正中輪状甲状靭帯 ( せいちゅうりんじょうこうじょうじんたい、英:median cricothyroid ligament )
・「中央を輪状甲上枝(動脈)が貫く」(日本人体解剖学) ※輪状甲状枝は上甲状腺動脈の一つ
以下はWikipediaの解説を抜粋して箇条書きにしたものになる。 1. 扁平で白色の結合組織(white connective tissue)よりなる。 2.下部行くにしたがって幅が広くなる。
以下が喉頭部に見られる靭帯の一覧となる。 参考:日本人体解剖学(下巻)
【 付着する骨 / 関節 】
The cricothyroid ligament (also known as the cricothyroid membrane or cricovocal membrane) is a ligament in the neck. It connects the cricoid cartilage to the thyroid cartilage. It prevents these cartilages from moving too far apart. It is cut during an emergency cricothyrotomy to treat upper airway obstruction. 【Structure】 The cricothyroid ligament is composed of two parts:
The conus elasticus (which means elastic cone in Latin:) is the lateral portion of the cricothyroid ligament. The lateral portions are thinner and lie close under the mucous membrane of the larynx; they extend from the upper border of the cricoid cartilage to the lower margin of the vocal ligaments, with which they are continuous. The vocal ligaments may therefore be regarded as the free borders of each conus elasticus. They extend from the vocal processes of the arytenoid cartilages to the angle of the thyroid cartilage about midway between its upper and lower borders.
【Function】 The cricothyroid ligament prevents the cricoid cartilage and the thyroid cartilage from moving too far apart. 【 語 句 】 ・cricoid cartilage:輪状軟骨 ・thyroid cartilage:甲状軟骨 ・cricothyrotomy:輪状甲状靭帯切開 ・airway obstruction:気道閉塞 ・connective tissue:結合組織 ・contiguous:隣接する ・conus elasticus:弾性円錐 ・laryngeal muscles:喉頭筋 ・mucous membrane:粘膜 ・larynx:喉頭 ・vocal ligaments:声帯靭帯 ・vocal process:声帯突起 ・arytenoid cartilage:披裂軟骨 ・prelaryngeal lymph node:喉頭前リンパ節