以下は「日本人体解剖学 (下巻)
「甲状軟骨の後面正中線の外側方から起こり披裂軟骨底の声帯突起につく。喉頭軟膜の声帯ヒダにあって、弾性繊維に富む。 」
【 付着する骨 / 関節 】
【 イラスト 】

The Vocal Folds (plicœ vocales; inferior or true vocal cords) are concerned in the production of sound, and enclose two strong bands, named the vocal ligaments (ligamenta vocales; inferior thyroarytenoid). Each ligament consists of a band of yellow elastic tissue, attached in front to the angle of the thyroid cartilage, and behind to the vocal process of the arytenoid. Its lower border is continuous with the thin lateral part of the conus elasticus. Its upper border forms the lower boundary of the ventricle of the larynx. Laterally, the Vocalis muscle lies parallel with it. It is covered medially by mucous membrane, which is extremely thin and closely adherent to its surface.
【 語 句 】
・vocal folds:声帯ヒダ ・ealstic tissue:弾性組織 ・thyroid cartilage:甲状軟骨 ・vocal process:声帯突起 ・arytenoid (cartilage):披裂軟骨 ・conus:円錐の ・ventricle:室 ・larynx:喉頭 ・mucous membrane:粘膜 ・adherent:粘着性の
