・「日本人体解剖学 (上巻)
「It may be known by its wedge-shaped form, the broad end of the wedge constituting the dorsal, the narrow end the palmar surface; and by its having four articular facets touching each other, and separated by sharp edges.
The superior surface, quadrilateral, smooth, and slightly concave, articulates with the scaphoid.
The inferior surface articulates with the proximal end of the second metacarpal bone; it is convex from side to side, concave from before backward and subdivided by an elevated ridge into two unequal facets.
The dorsal and palmar surfaces are rough for the attachment of ligaments, the former being the larger of the two.
The lateral surface, convex and smooth, articulates with the trapezium.
The medial surface is concave and smooth in front, for articulation with the capitate; rough behind, for the attachment of an interosseous ligament.」

「The trapezoid is two times wider dorsally than it is palmarly.」
1 |
・滑らかな四角形 ・僅かに凹面 ・舟状骨と関節 |
2 |
・第2中手骨底と関節 ・内外に凸面 ・前後に凹面 |
3 |
・靭帯の付着部となり粗面 ・手掌面より広い |
4 |
・靭帯の付着部となり粗面 ・手背面より狭い |
5 |
・滑らかな凸面 ・大菱形骨と関節 |
6 |
後部:靭帯の付着部で粗 |
手(手掌面) |
手根骨(手掌面) |
手根骨(手掌面) |

手根骨(手背面) |
近位手根骨+中手骨 |
