大腿二頭筋 ( だいたいにとうきん、英:biceps femoris muscle )
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短頭 : 中間広筋、外側広筋、大殿筋、大内転筋、腓腹筋、膝窩筋
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【 起 始 】
長頭 : 坐骨結節(坐骨)の後面
短頭 : 粗線(大腿骨)の外側唇、中央部よりも遠位
「 下腿を屈曲し、同時に外側方に回す。」 ( 日本人体解剖学 )
・ 神 経 : 長頭 : 脛骨神経 (L5,S1) ※資料によってはS2を含む
短頭 : 総腓骨神経 (L4,L5,S1)
・ 脈 管 :「大腿深動脈の貫通枝、下殿動脈、膝窩動脈 」(Wikipedia)
The biceps femoris (/ˈbaɪsɛps ˈfɛmərɪs/) is a muscle of the thigh located to the posterior, or back. As its name implies, it has two parts, one of which (the long head) forms part of the hamstrings muscle group.
It has two heads of origin:
- the long head arises from the lower and inner impression on the posterior part of the tuberosity of the ischium. This is a common tendon origin with the semitendinosus muscle, and from the lower part of the sacrotuberous ligament.
- the short head, arises from the lateral lip of the linea aspera, between the adductor magnus and vastus lateralis extending up almost as high as the insertion of the gluteus maximus, from the lateral prolongation of the linea aspera to within 5 cm. of the lateral condyle; and from the lateral intermuscular septum.
The two muscle heads joint together distally and unite in an intricate fashion. The fibers of the long head form a fusiform belly, which passes obliquely downward and lateralward across the sciatic nerve to end in an aponeurosis which covers the posterior surface of the muscle and receives the fibers of the short head. Inferiorly, the aponeurosis condenses to form a tendon which predominantly inserts onto the lateral side of the head of the fibula. There is a second small insertional attachment by a small tendon slip into the lateral condyle of the tibia.
At its insertion the tendon divides into two portions, which embrace the fibular collateral ligament of the knee-joint. Together, this joining of tendons is commonly referred to as the conjoined tendon of the knee.
From the posterior border of the tendon a thin expansion is given off to the fascia of the leg. The tendon of insertion of this muscle forms the lateral hamstring; the common fibular (peroneal) nerve descends along its medial border.[1]
【 語 句 】
・hamstrings:ハムストリングス ・impression:跡、へこみ(?) ・tuberosity of the ischium:坐骨結節 ・semitendinosus muscle:半腱様筋 ・sacrotuberous ligament:仙結節靭帯 ・lateral lip:外側唇 ・linea aspera:粗線 ・adductor magnus:大内転筋 ・vastus lateralis:外側広筋 ・gluteus maximus:大殿筋 ・lateral condyle:外側顆 ・lateral intermuscular septum:外側筋間中隔 ・intricate:複雑な ・fashion:仕方 ・fusiform:紡錘状の ・sciatic nerve:坐骨神経 ・aponeurosis:腱膜 ・condense:凝縮する ・predominantly:優勢に、主に ・fibula:腓骨 ・tibia:脛骨 ・embrace:取り囲む ・fibular collateral ligament:外側側副靭帯 ・conjoined tendon:共通腱 ・fascia:筋膜 ・common fibular (peroneal) nerve:総腓骨神経
The short head may be absent; additional heads may arise from the ischial tuberosity, the linea aspera, the medial supracondylar ridge of the femur, or from various other parts. The tendon of insertion may be attached to the Iliotibial band and to retinacular fibers of the lateral joint capsule.
A slip may pass to the gastrocnemius.
It is a composite muscle as the short head of the biceps femoris develops in the flexor compartment of the thigh and is thus innervated by common fibular branch of the sciatic nerve (L5, S1), while the long head is innervated by the tibial branch of the sciatic nerve (L5, S1).
【Blood supply】
The muscle's vascular supply is derived from the anastomoses of several arteries: the perforating branches of the profunda femoris artery, the inferior gluteal artery, and the popliteal artery.
Both heads of the biceps femoris perform knee flexion.
Since the long head originates in the pelvis it is involved in hip extension. The long head of the biceps femoris is a weaker knee flexor when the hip is extended (because of active insufficiency). For the same reason the long head is a weaker hip extender when the knee is flexed.
When the knee is semi-flexed, the biceps femoris in consequence of its oblique direction rotates the leg slightly outward.
【 語 句 】
・ischial tuberosity:坐骨結節 ・medial supracondylar ridge:内側上顆稜 ・Iliotibial band:腸脛靭帯 ・retinacular:支帯の? ・joint capsule:関節包 ・gastrocnemius:腓腹筋 ・anastomose:吻合する ・perforating branches:貫通枝 ・profunda femoris artery:大腿深動脈 ・inferior gluteal artery:下殿動脈 ・popliteal artery:膝窩動脈 ・pelvis:骨盤 ・in consequence of ~:~のために