後脛骨筋 ( こうけいこつきん、英:tibialis posterior muscle )

概 要
作 用
神経 / 脈管
起始 / 停止







「後脛骨筋の腱は、脛骨の内果の頭方で長趾屈筋の腱の深層を内側方に横切る。」 ⇒ イラスト


筋連結 : 長趾屈筋長母趾屈筋ヒラメ筋前脛骨筋長母趾伸筋膝窩筋






【 起 始 】: 脛骨内側面腓骨後面下腿骨間膜    

【 停 止 】: 舟状骨粗面内側/中間/外側楔状骨立方骨、第2~第4中足骨(底側面)



 「足を足底側に屈曲し、同時に内反する。 」 ( 日本人体解剖学


 ・ 神 経 : 脛骨神経(L5,S1,S2)

 ・ 脈 管 : 後脛骨動脈腓骨動脈 


 The tibialis posterior muscle is the most central of all the leg muscles, and is located in the deep posterior compartment of the leg. It is the key stabilizing muscle of the lower leg.


 The tibialis posterior muscle originates on the inner posterior border of the fibula laterally. It is also attached to the interosseous membrane medially, which attaches to the tibia and fibula.
 The tendon of the tibialis posterior muscle (sometimes called the posterior tibial tendon) descends posterior to the medial malleolus. It terminates by dividing into plantar, main, and recurrent components. The main portion inserts into the tuberosity of the navicular bone.The smaller portion inserts into the plantar surface of the medial cuneiform. The plantar portion inserts into the bases of the second, third and fourth metatarsals, the intermediate and lateral cuneiforms and the cuboid. The recurrent portion inserts into the sustentaculum tali of the calcaneus.
Blood is supplied to the muscle by the posterior tibial artery.

【Nerve supply】
 The tibialis posterior muscle is suppled by the tibial nerve.


 The tibialis posterior muscle is a key muscle for stabilization of the lower leg. It also contracts to produce inversion of the foot, and assists in the plantarflexion of the foot at the ankle. The tibialis posterior has a major role in supporting the medial arch of the foot. Dysfunction of the tibialis posterior, including rupture of the tibialis posterior tendon, can lead to flat feet in adults, as well as a valgus deformity due to unopposed eversion when inversion is lost.


【 語 句 】

fibula:腓骨 ・interosseous membrane:骨間膜 ・tibia:脛骨 ・medial malleolus:内果 ・tuberosity:結節 ・navicular bone:舟状骨 ・medial cuneiform:内側楔状骨 ・metatarsal:中足骨 ・cuboid:立方骨 ・sustentaculum tali:載距突起 ・calcaneus:踵骨 ・posterior tibial artery:後脛骨動脈 ・tibial nerve:脛骨神経 ・inversion:転回、反転 ・dysfunction:機能障害 ・rupture:断裂 ・valgus deformity:外反変形 ・unopposed:対立しない ・eversion:外転、外反  





