腸骨筋 ( ちょうこつきん、英:iliacus muscle )
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筋連結 : 大腰筋、大腿直筋、縫工筋、内側広筋、恥骨筋、大腿筋膜張筋
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【 起 始 】 :「腸骨の上縁および内面(腸骨窩)から起こり、下内側方に向かう。」(日本人体解剖学)
・ 神 経 : 腰神経叢の筋肉枝(L2 ~ L4)
The iliacus is a flat, triangular muscle which fills the iliac fossa. It forms the lateral portion of iliopsoas, providing flexion of the thigh and lower limb at the acetabulofemoral joint.
The iliacus arises from the iliac fossa on the interior side of the hip bone, and also from the region of the anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS). It joins the psoas major to form the Iliopsoas. It proceeds across the iliopubic eminence through the muscular lacuna to its insertion on the lesser trochanter of the femur. Its fibers are often inserted in front of those of the psoas major and extend distally over the lesser trochanter.
【Nerve supply】
The iliopsoas is innervated by the femoral nerve and direct branches from the lumbar plexus.
In open-chain exercises, as part of the iliopsoas, the iliacus is important for lifting (flexing) the femur forward (e.g. front scale). In closed-chain exercises, the iliopsoas bends the trunk forward and can lift the trunk from a lying posture (e.g. sit-ups, back scale) because the psoas major crosses several vertebral joints and the sacroiliac joint. From its origin in the lesser pelvis the iliacus acts exclusively on the hip joint.
【 語 句 】
・iliac fossa:腸骨窩 ・iliopsoas:腸腰筋 ・acetabulofemoral joint:股関節 ・hip bone:寛骨 ・anterior inferior iliac spine:下前腸骨棘 ・psoas major:大腰筋 ・Iliopsoas:腸腰筋 ・proceed:続行する、進行する ・iliopubic eminence:腸恥隆起 ・muscular lacuna:筋裂孔 ・lesser trochanter:小転子 ・femur:大腿骨 ・femoral nerve:大腿神経 ・lumbar plexus:腰神経叢 ・sacroiliac joint:仙腸関節 ・lesser pelvis:小骨盤 ・exclusively:もっぱら、独占的に