大腿骨の近位骨端を後方から見たとき、 大腿骨頚と大腿骨体の移行部に置いて内後方に向かっている小さな突起のこと。大腰筋および腸骨筋、そして恥骨大腿靭帯の付着部となっている。
■ 付着するもの ■
筋 肉
1 |
2 |
靭 帯 |
1 |
pubofemoral ligament |
「The lesser trochanter (small trochanter) of the femur is a conical eminence, which varies in size in different subjects
It projects from the lower and back part of the base of the femur neck.From its apex three well-marked borders extend:
- ・two of these are above
- ・the inferior border is continuous with the middle division of the linea aspera
The summit of the trochanter is rough, and gives insertion to the tendon of the Psoas major and the Iliacus.」