・眼瞼ヒダ : しばしば上眼瞼縁の内側端が小さなヒダ状となり内眼角を覆う。(=蒙古ヒダ)
・眼瞼裂 : まぶたを閉じたときの上下の眼瞼の間隙
・眼瞼縁 : 眼瞼の前・後両側が、眼瞼裂で移行するやや扁平な部分で前後に区別ができる。
前眼瞼縁 : 2~3列の睫毛(まつ毛)が生えている。
後眼瞼縁 : 瞼板腺(/マイボーム腺)の導管が1列をなして開口している。
・瞼板: 眼瞼の骨格となる線維性結合組織で内部に瞼板腺(/マイボーム腺)を有する。
・結膜 : 眼瞼の後面を覆っている2層または重層の円柱上皮の膜

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皮 膚 |
眼瞼の最外層 基本的には他の部分の皮膚と同じだが、異なる点も有する。
・薄い ・色素細胞(pigment cell)が多い。
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皮下組織 |
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眼輪筋( 顔面筋の一つ)の眼瞼部で、淡い色をした筋束より構成される。 |
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シート状の線維組織で 眼窩縁から 眼瞼にまで伸びている。 |
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眼瞼の最内層 2層または重層の円柱上皮の膜で血管に富んでいる。

【神 経】 参考「Wikipedia」
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への神経支配 |
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その他 |
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【動 脈】 参考「Wikipedia」
か行 |
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さ行 |
し |
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な行 |
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ま行 |
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An eyelid is a thin fold of skin that covers and protects an eye. The levator palpebrae superioris muscle retracts the eyelid, exposing the cornea to the outside, giving vision. This can be either voluntarily or involuntarily. The human eyelid features a row of eyelashes along the eyelid margin, which serve to heighten the protection of the eye from dust and foreign debris, as well as from perspiration. "Palpebral" (and "blepharal") means relating to the eyelids. Its key function is to regularly spread the tears and other secretions on the eye surface to keep it moist, since the cornea must be continuously moist. They keep the eyes from drying out when asleep. Moreover, the blink reflex protects the eye from foreign bodies.
【 語 句 】
・fold:ヒダ ・levator palpebrae superioris muscle:上眼瞼挙筋 ・retract:引っ込ませる ・cornea:角膜 ・voluntarily:自主的に ・eyelash:まつ毛 eyelid margin:眼瞼縁 ・foreign debris:異物? ・perspiration:汗 ・blink reflex:瞬目反射
The appearance of the human upper eyelid often varies between different populations. The prevalence of an epicanthic fold covering the inner corner of the eye account for the majority of East Asian and Southeast Asian populations, and is also found in varying degrees among other populations. Separately, but also similarly varying between populations, the crease of the remainder of the eyelid may form either a "single eyelid", a "double eyelid", or an intermediate form.
Eyelids can be found in other animals, some of which may have a third eyelid, or nictitating membrane. A vestige of this in humans survives as the plica semilunaris.
【 語 句 】
・prevalence: ・epicanthic hold:蒙古ヒダ ・crease:折り目 ・remainder:残余 ・nictitating membrane:瞬膜 ・vestige:痕跡 ・plica semilunaris:半月ヒダ
The eyelid is made up of several layers; from superficial to deep, these are: skin, subcutaneous tissue, orbicularis oculi, orbital septum and tarsal plates, and palpebral conjunctiva. The meibomian glands lie within the eyelid and secrete the lipid part of the tear film.
The skin is similar to areas elsewhere, but is relatively thin and has more pigment cells. In diseased persons these may wander and cause a discoloration of the lids. It contains sweat glands and hairs, the latter becoming eyelashes as the border of the eyelid is met. The skin of the eyelid contains the greatest concentration of sebaceous glands found anywhere in the body.
【 語 句 】
・subcutaneous tissue:皮下組織 ・orbicularis oculi:眼輪筋? ・orbital septum:眼窩中隔 ・tarsal plate:瞼板 ・conunctiva:結膜 ・meibomian gland:マイボーム腺 ・secrete:分泌する ・lipid:脂質 ・tear film:涙膜 ・pigment cell:色素細胞 ・discoloration:変色 ・sweat gland:汗腺 ・sebaceous gland:皮脂腺
【Nerve supply】
In humans, the sensory nerve supply to the upper eyelids is from the infratrochlear, supratrochlear, supraorbital and the lacrimal nerves from the ophthalmic branch (V1) of the trigeminal nerve (CN V).
The skin of the lower eyelid is supplied by branches of the infratrochlear at the medial angle. The rest is supplied by branches of the infraorbital nerve of the maxillary branch (V2) of the trigeminal nerve.
【Blood supply】
In humans, the eyelids are supplied with blood by two arches on each upper and lower lid. The arches are formed by anastomoses of the lateral palpebral arteries and medial palpebral arteries, branching off from the lacrimal artery and ophthalmic artery, respectively.
The human eyelid features a row of eyelashes along the eyelid margin, which serve to heighten the protection of the eye from dust and foreign debris.
【 語 句 】
・infratrochlear nerve:滑車下神経 ・supraorbital nerve:眼窩上神経 ・lacrimal nerve:涙腺神経 ・ophthalmic branch:眼神経 ・trigeminal nerve:三叉神経 ・maxillary branch:上顎神経 ・anastomose:吻合 ・lateral palpebral artery:外側眼瞼動脈 ・lacrimal artery:涙腺動脈 ・ophthalmic artery:眼動脈
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