眼窩隔膜 (がんかかくまく、英:orbital septum



  1. 上眼窩隔膜眼窩縁から下方に走って上眼瞼挙筋の停止部付近に付着

  2. 下眼窩隔膜眼窩縁から上方に走って下瞼板の下部に付着





眼窩隔膜 orbital septum は眼窩縁と瞼板をつなぐ結合織のシートである.眼瞼を前葉・後葉に分ける.上眼瞼内では,眼輪筋の奥で上眼瞼挙筋の腱膜と一体化している.上下の眼窩隔膜が合流して内側および外側眼瞼靭帯となり,眼輪筋も付いて眼瞼を支持する. 」



「The orbital septum is a membranous sheet that acts as the anterior boundary of the orbit. It extends from the orbital rims to the eyelids. It forms the fibrous portion of the eyelids. In the upper eyelid, the orbital septum blends with the tendon of the Levator palpebrae superioris, and in the lower eyelid with the tarsal plate.
 When the eyes are closed, the whole orbital opening is covered by the septum and tarsi. Medially it is thin, and, becoming separated from the medial palpebral ligament, attaches to the lacrimal bone at its posterior crest. The medial ligament and its much weaker lateral counterpart, attached to the septum and orbit, keep the lids stable as the eye moves.
 The septum is perforated by the vessels and nerves which pass from the orbital cavity to the face and scalp.」

【 語 句 】

・membranous:膜状の ・orbit:眼窩 ・eyelid:眼瞼 ・Levator palpebrae superioris:上眼瞼挙筋 ・tarsal plate:瞼板 ・tarsi:足根? ・medial palpebral ligament:内側眼瞼靭帯 ・lacrimal bone:涙骨 ・posterior crest:後涙嚢稜 ・perforate:貫通する


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