上瞼板 |
下瞼板 |
縦 幅 |
約 10 mm |
約 5 mm |
形 状 |
三日月 |
楕円 |
マイボーム腺数 |
約25本 |
約20本 |
その他 |
マイボーム腺の数は資料によってかなり差がある。 「上:30~40,下:20~30」(船戸和也のHP)
「眼瞼板は眼瞼の中央部で最も丈が高く,内外両側へ次第に狭くなっている.長さは約20mmで,最大の厚さは全長の中央のところで0.7mmである.眼瞼板はフェルトのように固く組みあった結合組織束でできている.内眼角のところでは内側眼瞼靱帯Ligamentum palpebrale nasale(図662, 663)が眼瞼板に結合してその線維構成に移行している.内側眼瞼靱帯は斜めに立っている板で,内眼角から起こって上顎骨の前頭突起にまで伸びて,皮膚の直下で涙嚢の盲端部の前面にある.眼を閉じているときにはその前稜を容易に触知することができる.外側眼瞼靱帯Lig. palpebrale temporaleは眼輪筋と眼窩隔膜とのうしろ(Eislerによる)にあって,眼窩口縁の2~3mm後方で頬骨につく。」
The tarsi (tarsal plates) are two comparatively thick, elongated plates of dense connective tissue, about 10 mm (0.39 in) in length for the upper eyelid and 5 mm for the lower eyelid; one is found in each eyelid, and contributes to its form and support. They are located directly above the lid margins. The tarsus has a lower and upper part making up the palpebrae.
The superior tarsus (tarsus superior; superior tarsal plate), the larger, is of a semilunar form, about 10 mm (0.4 in) in breadth at the center, and gradually narrowing toward its extremities. It is adjoined by the superior tarsal muscle.
To the anterior surface of this plate the aponeurosis of the levator palpebræ superioris is attached.
The inferior tarsus (tarsus inferior; inferior tarsal plate) is smaller, is thin, is elliptical in form, and has a vertical diameter of about 5 mm (0.2 in). The free or ciliary margins of these plates are thick and straight.
The attached or orbital margins are connected to the circumference of the orbit by the orbital septum.
The lateral angles are attached to the zygomatic bone by the lateral palpebral raphe.
The medial angles of the two plates end at the lacrimal lake, and are attached to the frontal process of the maxilla by the medial palpebral ligament).
The sulcus subtarsalis is a groove in the inner surface of each eyelid.
Along the inner margin of the tarsus are modified sebaceous glands known as tarsal glands (or meibomian glands), aligned vertically within the tarsi: 30 to 40 glands in the upper lid, and 20 to 30 in the lower lid, which secrete a lipid-rich product which helps keep the lacrimal secretions or tears from evaporating too quickly, thus keeping the eye moist.
【 語 句 】
・eyelid :まぶた ・ lid margins:眼瞼縁 ・palpebrae :眼瞼 ・semilunar :半月状の ・ superior tarsal muscle:上瞼板筋 ・elliptical :楕円形の ・vertical :垂直の ・ciliary :毛様体の ・circumference :周囲 ・orbital septum :眼窩隔膜; 眼窩中隔 ・zygomatic bone:頬骨 ・ lateral palpebral raphe:外側眼瞼縫線 ・lacrimal lake : ・ frontal process of the maxilla: ・medial palpebral ligament : ・ sulcus subtarsalis:? ・groove:溝 ・sebaceous gland:皮脂腺 ・tarsal glands:瞼板腺 ・meibomian gland:マイボーム腺 ・ secrete:分泌する ・lipid-rich:脂質の豊富な ・evaporate:蒸発させる
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