長母指外転筋 ( ちょうぼしがいてんきん、 英 : abductor pollicis longus muscle )
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「Rauber-Kopsch 解剖学」では「変異」ということで以下のような解説文が見られる。
「変異(長母指外転筋の停止腱の分裂は日本人89.3%,アイヌ人100.0%,短母指伸筋とこの筋との癒合は日本人16.1%,アイヌ人20%である(佐野好:九大医報,4巻,138,1930;同じ著者:福岡医科大学雑誌,24巻,31~117,1931).):この筋は2~4個の腱をもつことがある.これらのうちの1つは通常の停止をするが,他の1つあるいはいくつかが大多角骨に停止したり,あるいは母指球の筋の中に入ってこれと合したりする.最後の場合にはこの腱が母指球の筋の副起始となっているのである. 」
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【 起 始 】 : 尺骨の骨間縁、 前腕骨間膜、 橈骨の後面
【 停 止 】 : 第1中手骨の骨底
「 母指を外転し、手を橈側に屈曲する。」 ( 日本人体解剖学 )
・ 脈 管 : 後骨間動脈
In human anatomy, the abductor pollicis longus (APL) is one of the extrinsic muscles of the hand. As the name implies, its major function is to abduct the thumb at the wrist. Its tendon forms the anterior border of the anatomical snuffbox.
【 Structure 】
The abductor pollicis longus lies immediately below the supinator and is sometimes united with it. It arises from the lateral part of the dorsal surface of the body of the ulna, below the insertion of the anconeus, from the interosseous membrane, and from the middle third of the dorsal surface of the body of the radius.
Passing obliquely downward and lateralward, it ends in a tendon, which runs through a groove on the lateral side of the lower end of the radius, accompanied by the tendon of the extensor pollicis brevis.
The insertion is divided into a distal, superficial part and a proximal, deep part. The superficial part is inserted with one or more tendons into the radial side of the base of the first metacarpal bone, and the deep part is variably inserted into the trapezium, the joint capsule and its ligaments, and into the belly of abductor pollicis brevis (APB) or opponens pollicis.
【 語 句 】
・ extrinsic : 外来的な ・ imply : 意味する ・ abduct : 外転させる ・ anatomical snuffbox : 解剖学的嗅ぎたばこ入れ ・ supinator : 回外筋 ・ ulna : 尺骨 ・ anconeus : 肘筋 ・ interosseous membrane : 骨間膜 ・ radius : 橈骨 ・ groove : 溝 ・ extensor pollicis brevis : 短母指伸筋 ・ distal : 遠位の ・ proximal : 近位の ・ metacarpal bone : 中手骨 ・ trapezium : 大菱形骨 ・joint capsule : 関節包 ・ abductor pollicis brevis : 短母指外転筋 ・ opponens pollicis : 母指対立筋
【 Innervation 】
The abductor pollicis longus muscle is innervated by the posterior interosseous nerve, which is a continuation of the deep branch of the radial nerve after it passes through the supinator muscle. Abductor pollicis longus lies close to the radial nerve. The posterior interosseous nerve is derived from spinal segments C7 & C8.
【 Blood supply 】
Abductor pollicis longus is supplied by the posterior interosseous artery.
【 Variation 】
An accessory abductor pollicis longus (AAPL) tendon is present in more than 80% of people and a separate muscle belly is present in 20% of people. In one study, the accessory tendon was inserted into the trapezium (41%); proximally on the abductor pollicis brevis (22%) and opponens pollicis brevis (5%); had a double insertion on the trapezium and thenar muscles (15%); or the base of the first metacarpal (1%). Up to seven tendons have been reported in rare cases.
Multiple APL tendons can be regarded as a functional advantage since injured tendons can be compensated by the healthy ones.
【 Function 】
The chief action of abductor pollicis longus is to abduct the thumb at the carpometacarpal joint, thereby moving the thumb anteriorly. It also assists in extending and rotating the thumb.
By its continued action it helps to abduct the wrist (radial deviation) and flex the hand.
The APL insertion on the trapezium and the APB origin on the same bone is the only connection between the thumb's intrinsic and extrinsic muscles.[a] As the thumb is brought into action, these two muscles must coordinate to keep the trapezium stable in the carpus, which is important for the proper functioning of the thumb (i.e. precision and power grip.)
【 語 句 】
・ posterior interosseous nerve : 後骨間神経 ・ radial nerve : 橈骨神経 ・ supinator muscle : 回外筋 ・ posterior interosseous artery : 後骨間動脈 ・ thenar muscles : 母指球筋群 ・ compensate : 補う ・ carpometacarpal joint : 手根中手関節 ・intrinsic : 固有の ・ carpus : 手首(の骨)