小殿筋 ( しょうでんきん、英:gluteus minimus muscle )
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【 起 始 】 :・腸骨、腸骨翼の外面の前殿筋線と下殿筋線との間
【 停 止 】 : 大転子の内側面
中殿筋と協働して、立ったり、歩いたりするときに骨盤を安定させる重要な働きをしている。この両方の筋肉が弱ったり麻痺したりすると、骨盤が傾いてしまい正常に動作することができない。これを確かめる検査をトレンデレンブルグ徴候という。 ⇒ 実際の検査映像
よって中殿筋、小殿筋の筋力が低下すると、歩行時に骨盤が傾斜するデュシェンヌ跛行を示し、左右両側の筋力が低下してしまうと、典型的な動揺歩行となる。 ⇒YouTube投稿動画
・ 神 経 :上殿神経(L4,L5,S1)
The gluteus minimus, or glutæus minimus, the smallest of the three gluteal muscles, is situated immediately beneath the gluteus medius.
【Origin and insertion】
It is fan-shaped, arising from the outer surface of the ilium, between the anterior and inferior gluteal lines, and behind, from the margin of the greater sciatic notch.
The fibers converge to the deep surface of a radiated aponeurosis, and this ends in a tendon which is inserted into an impression on the anterior border of the greater trochanter, and gives an expansion to the capsule of the hip joint. It is also a local stabilizer for the hip.
A bursa is interposed between the tendon and the greater trochanter.
Between the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus are the deep branches of the superior gluteal vessels and the superior gluteal nerve.
The deep surface of the gluteus minimus is in relation with the reflected tendon of the rectus femoris and the capsule of the hip joint.
The gluteus medius and gluteus minimus abduct the thigh, when the limb is extended, and are principally called into action in supporting the body on one limb, in conjunction with the tensor fasciae latae.
Their anterior fibers also flex the hip, and by drawing the greater trochanter forward, rotate the thigh inward, in which action they are also assisted by the Tensor fasciae latae.
Additionally, with the hip flexed, the gluteus medius and minimus internally rotate the thigh. With the hip extended, the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus externally rotate the thigh.[contradictory]
The attachment to the superior capsule of the hip may also serve to retract the capsule away from the joint during motion. This mechanism may prevent capsular impingement similar to the role of the articularis genus in the knee.
The muscle may be divided into an anterior and a posterior part, or it may send slips to the piriformis, the superior gemellus or the outer part of the origin of the vastus lateralis.
【 語 句 】
・gluteal muscles:殿筋群 ・gluteus medius:中殿筋 ・ilium:腸骨 ・inferior gluteal line:下殿筋線 ・greater sciatic notch:大坐骨切痕 ・aponeurosis:腱膜 ・impression:跡、凹み? ・greater trochanter:大転子 ・capsule:関節包 ・bursa:滑液包 ・superior gluteal nerve:上殿神経 ・rectus femoris:大腿直筋 ・abduct:外転させる ・in conjunction with~:~と併せて ・tensor fasciae latae:大腿筋膜張筋 ・contradictory:矛盾した ・retract:引っ込ませる ・impingement:衝突 ・articularis genus:膝関節筋 ・piriformis:梨状筋 ・superior gemellus:上双子筋 ・vastus lateralis:外側広筋