■ 関節包靭帯 capsular ligaments ■
■ 関節包外靭帯 extra-capsular ligaments ■
・関節に近いもの : 膝関節の外側および内側側副靭帯や斜膝窩靭帯など。
・関節から離れているもの : 骨盤の鼡径靭帯や裂孔靭帯など。
■ 関節包内靭帯 intra-capsular ligaments ■
「靱帯は骨を互いに結んでその連結を補強するもので、帯状ないし膜状の強靭結合組織から。大部分は関節に付属し、その過度の運動を防ぎ、運動の支えとなり、そのほか運動を規制する。関節包の線維膜が部分的に厚くなったものも多いが(関節包靱帯)、関節包から区別できるかまたはこれと離れている場合もある(副靱帯)。副靱帯は多くは関節外にあるが(関節包外靱帯)、ときには関節内にみられる(関節包内靱帯)。関節包内靱帯には、完全に滑膜に包まれて関節腔内にあるもの(大腿骨頭靱帯)、関節内に突出する滑膜のヒダに包まれているもの(膝十字靱帯)、関節腔を二分するもの(関節内肋骨頭靱帯)がある。 」

1. 腹膜のヒダおよび内臓を固定している膜
「 Peritoneal ligament : a fold of peritoneum or other membranes 」
例) gastrocolic ligament(胃結腸間膜)、splenocolic ligament(脾大腸ヒダ)、hepatoduodenal ligament(肝十二支腸間膜)
2. 胎児期の残滓
「 Fetal remnant ligament: the remnants of a fetal tubular structure. 」
3. 歯周靭帯
「Periodontal ligament: a group of fibers that attach the cementum of teeth to the surrounding alveolar bone.
⇒ 歯周靭帯のイラストを掲載しているサイト-Ⅰ
⇒ 歯周靭帯のイラストを掲載しているサイト- Ⅱ

A ligament is the fibrous connective tissue that connects bones to other bones. It is also known as articular ligament, articular larua,[1] fibrous ligament, or true ligament. Other ligaments in the body include the:
Ligaments are similar to tendons and fasciae as they are all made of connective tissue. The differences among them are in the connections that they make: ligaments connect one bone to another bone, tendons connect muscle to bone, and fasciae connect muscles to other muscles. These are all found in the skeletal system of the human body. Ligaments cannot usually be regenerated naturally; however, there are periodontal ligament stem cells located near the periodontal ligament which are involved in the adult regeneration of periodontist ligament.
The study of ligaments is known as desmology.
【 語 句 】
・fibrous connective tissue:線維性結合組織 ・peritoneal:腹膜の ・peritoneum:腹膜 ・membrane:膜 ・fetal:胎児の ・remnant:残り、残滓 ・periodontal:歯周の ・cementum:セメント質 ・alveolar:歯槽の ・tendon:腱 ・fasciae:筋膜 ・skeletal system:骨格系 ・regenerated:再生する ・periodontal ligament:歯周靭帯 ・periodontist:歯周病専門歯科医 ・desmology:靭帯学
【Articular ligaments】
"Ligament" most commonly refers to a band of dense regular connective tissue bundles made of collagenous fibers, with bundles protected by dense irregular connective tissue sheaths. Ligaments connect bones to other bones to form joints, while tendons connect bone to muscle. Some ligaments limit the mobility of articulations or prevent certain movements altogether.
Capsular ligaments are part of the articular capsule that surrounds synovial joints. They act as mechanical reinforcements. Extra-capsular ligaments join together in harmony with the other ligaments and provide joint stability. Intra-capsular ligaments, which are much less common, also provide stability but permit a far larger range of motion. Cruciate ligaments are paired ligaments in the form of a cross.
Ligaments are viscoelastic. They gradually strain when under tension and return to their original shape when the tension is removed. However, they cannot retain their original shape when extended past a certain point or for a prolonged period of time. This is one reason why dislocated joints must be set as quickly as possible: if the ligaments lengthen too much, then the joint will be weakened, becoming prone to future dislocations. Athletes, gymnasts, dancers, and martial artists perform stretching exercises to lengthen their ligaments, making their joints more supple.
The term hypermobility refers to the characteristic of people with more-elastic ligaments, allowing their joints to stretch and contort further; this is sometimes still called double-jointedness.
The consequence of a broken ligament can be instability of the joint. Not all broken ligaments need surgery, but, if surgery is needed to stabilise the joint, the broken ligament can be repaired. Scar tissue may prevent this. If it is not possible to fix the broken ligament, other procedures such as the Brunelli procedure can correct the instability. Instability of a joint can over time lead to wear of the cartilage and eventually to osteoarthritis.
【Artificial ligaments】
One of the most often torn ligaments in the body is the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The ACL is one of the ligaments crucial to knee stability and persons who tear their ACL often seek to undergo reconstructive surgery, which can be done through a variety of techniques and materials. One of these techniques is the replacement of the ligament with an artificial material. An artificial ligament is a reinforcing material that is used to replace a torn ligament, such as the ACL. Artificial ligaments are a synthetic material composed of a polymer, such as polyacrylonitrile fiber, polypropylene, PET (polyethylene terephthalate), or polyNaSS poly(sodium styrene sulfonate).
【 語 句 】
・dense regular connective tissue:平行性密性結合組織 ・collagenous:コラーゲン性の ・dense iregular connective tissue:交織結合組織 ・mobility:可動性 ・articulation:関節 ・articular capsule:関節包 ・synovial joint:滑膜関節 ・reinforcement:補強 ・cruciate ligament:十字靭帯 ・viscoelastic:粘弾性 ・strain:引っ張る、耐える ・retain:保持する、維持する ・dislocated:脱臼した ・prone:傾向があって ・hypermobility:過度可動性 ・contort:捻じ曲げる ・double-jointedness:二重関節性? ・consequence:結果 ・scar tissue:瘢痕組織 ・osteoarthritis:骨関節炎 ・crucial:重要な ・synthetic:人工的な ・polymer:重合体 ・polyacrylonitrile:ポリアクリロニトリル ・polypropylene:ポリプロピレン ・polyethylene terephthalate:ポリエチレンテレフタレート ・sodium styrene sulfonate:スチレンスルホン酸ナトリウム
