鼡径靭帯 ( そけいじんたい、英:inguinal ligament )










「《同義語》プーパル靱帯Poupart's ligament
裂孔靱帯のつづきとして腹直筋鞘を作る内腹斜筋腱膜の前面に向かって出る線維が反転靱帯reflex ligamentであり浅鼡径輪の後方に位置し,鼡径管*の下壁の一部を作る(Francois Poupartはフランスの解剖学者,1661-1708). 」


「The inguinal ligament (Poupart's ligament) is a band running from the pubic tubercle to the anterior superior iliac spine. Its anatomy is very important for operating on hernia patients.
Structure:It forms the base of the inguinal canal through which an indirect inguinal hernia may develop.
The inguinal (crural) ligament runs from the anterior superior iliac spine of the ilium to the pubic tubercle of the pubic bone. It is formed by the external abdominal oblique aponeurosis and is continuous with the fascia lata of the thigh.
There is some dispute over the attachments.[1]
Structures that pass deep to the inguinal ligament include:

The midpoint of inguinal ligament is midpoint between the anterior superior iliac spine and pubic tubercle.[citation needed]
Function: The ligament serves to contain soft tissues as they course anteriorly from the trunk to the lower extremity. This structure demarcates the superior border of the femoral triangle.[2] It demarcates the inferior border of the inguinal triangle.
The midpoint of inguinal ligament is halfway between the anterior superior iliac spine and pubic tubercle. It's the landmark for the femoral nerve. The mid inguinal point is halfway between the anterior superior iliac spine and pubic symphysis. It's the landmark for femoral artery.」




