
「The iliac crest stretches posteriorly from the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) to the posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS).」

「腸骨翼の上縁は腸骨稜であるが、これを上方から見るとS字状に弯曲し、中央1/3の部分はかなり薄くなっている。 」
「The crest of the ilium (or iliac crest) is the superior border of the wing of ilium and the superolateral margin of the greater pelvis.
Structure: The iliac crest stretches posteriorly from the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) to the posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS). Behind the ASIS, it divides into an outer and inner lip separated by the intermediate zone. The outer lip bulges laterally into the iliac tubercle. [1] Palpable(明瞭な、触知できる) in its entire length, the crest is convex superiorly but is sinuously curved, being concave inward in front, concave outward behind. [2]
It is thinner at the center than at the extremities.
Development: The iliac crest is derived from endochondral bone.
Function: To the external lip are attached the Tensor fasciae latae, Obliquus externus abdominis, and Latissimus dorsi, and along its whole length the fascia lata; to the intermediate line, the Obliquus internus abdominis. To the internal lip, the iliac fascia, the Transversus abdominis, Quadratus lumborum, Sacrospinalis, and Iliacus.
■ 腸骨稜に付着するもの ■
筋 肉 |
1 |
internal oblique muscle |
2 |
external oblique muscle |
3 |
transverse abdominis m. |
4 |
quadratus lumborum m. |
5 |
iliocostalis muscles |
6 |
longissimus muscles |
腰腸肋筋とともに起始する。 |
7 |
latissimus dorsi muscle |
8 |
tensor fasciae latae |
上前腸骨棘から起始 |
9 |
iliacus muscle |
10 |
gluteus maximus |
靭 帯 |
1 |
posterior sacroiliac l. |
一部が上後腸骨棘に付着 |
2 |
linguinal ligament |
上前腸骨棘に付着 |
筋 膜 |
1 |
fascia lata |
大腿部を覆う筋膜 |
2 |
iliac fascia |
腸腰筋の前面をおおう筋膜 |
3 |
transverse fascia |
下方において腸骨稜に付着 |