
水平板の面 |
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上面/鼻腔面 |
・他側の口蓋骨の水平板と接する縁(内側縁)は上顎骨からの鼻稜の続きとなるため隆起を示している。 |
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下面/口蓋面 |
・「へこみ、前縁にときに高まり(口蓋稜)がみられ、外側縁後方に大口蓋孔がある。」(船戸和也のHP) |
「 船戸和弥のHP 」では以下のように解説している。
「水平板は上顎骨口蓋突起をうしろに延長して骨口蓋をつくる上部で、上面(鼻腔面)は滑らかで、他側のものと会する縁は上顎骨におけると同じく高まり(鼻稜)、さらにうしろに向かって突出する(後鼻棘)。下面(口蓋面)は粗面で、へこみ、前縁にときに高まり(口蓋稜)がみられ、外側縁後方に大口蓋孔がある。 」
The horizontal plate of palatine bone is a quadrilateral part of the palatine bone, and has two surfaces and four borders.
The superior surface, concave from side to side, forms the back part of the floor of the nasal cavity.
The inferior surface, slightly concave and rough, forms, with the corresponding surface of the opposite bone, the posterior fourth of the hard palate. Near its posterior margin may be seen a more or less marked transverse ridge for the attachment of part of the aponeurosis of the tensor veli palatini.
The anterior border is serrated. It articulates with the palatine process of maxilla.
The posterior border is concave, free, and serves for the attachment of the soft palate. Its medial end is sharp and pointed, and, when united with that of the opposite bone, forms a projecting process, the posterior nasal spine for the attachment of the musculus uvulae.
The lateral border is united with the lower margin of the perpendicular plate, and is grooved by the lower end of the greater palatine canal.
The medial border, the thickest, is serrated for articulation with its fellow of the opposite side; its superior edge is raised into a ridge, which, united with the ridge of the opposite bone, forms the nasal crest for articulation with the posterior part of the lower edge of the vomer.
【 語 句 】
・quadrilateral:四辺形の ・concave:凹状の ・nasal cavity:鼻腔 ・hard palate:硬口蓋 ・ridge:隆起(線) ・aponeurosis:腱膜 ・tensor veli palatini:口蓋帆張筋 ・serrated:鋸歯状の ・articulate with~:~と接合する ・palatine process of maxilla:上顎骨の口蓋突起 ・projecting:突き出る ・posterior nasal spine:後鼻棘 ・musculus uvulae:口蓋垂筋 ・perpendicular plate:垂直板 ・greater palatine canal:大口蓋管 ・nasal crest:鼻稜 ・vomer:鋤骨
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