後鼻棘 ( こうびきょく、 英:posterior nasal spine )


・「水平板の内側縁の後端は棘状に後方へ突出して後鼻棘となる。」( 船戸和弥のHP

口蓋骨(鼻腔面) 硬口蓋 鼻腔底 鼻腔・口腔(正中断面)



 The posterior nasal spine is part of the horizontal plate of the palatine bone of the skull. It is found at the medial end of its posterior border. It is paired with the corresponding palatine bone to form a solid spine. It is the attachment of the uvula muscle.


 The posterior nasal spine is found at the medial end of the posterior border of the horizontal plate of the palatine bone of the skull.


 The posterior nasal spine is the attachment of the uvula muscle.

【 語 句 】

・horizontal plate:水平板  ・palatine bone:口蓋骨 ・uvula muscle:口蓋垂筋  


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