「(口蓋骨の)外縁の近くに切痕があって、上顎骨とともに大口蓋孔を形成する(この孔は大口蓋管の出口となる。大口蓋神経、大口蓋動・静脈の通路)。この後方、錐体突起の根部には通常内・外2個の小孔があり、これを小口蓋孔という。(小口蓋神経、小口蓋動・静脈の通路) 」
At either posterior angle of the hard palate is the greater palatine foramen, for the transmission of the descending palatine vessels and greater palatine nerve; and running anteriorly (forward) and medially (towards the center-line) from it is a groove, for the same vessels and nerve.
The greater palatine foramen (GPF) is related to the upper 3rd molar tooth in most of the skulls (55%), 2nd molar in (12%), between the 2nd and 3rd molar in (19%) and retromolar in (14%). The shape of the foramen is elongated antero-posteriorly; however, an unusually crescent shaped foramen is rare.
【 語 句 】
・hard palate:硬口蓋 ・descending palatine vessels:下行口蓋動・静脈 ・greater palatine nerve:大口蓋神経 ・molar tooth:臼歯 ・retromolar:後臼歯 ・elongated:細長い ・crescent:三日月
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