硬口蓋( こうこうがい、英:hard palate )










 以下は「 Wikipedia 」の解説文となる。

 「 The hard palate is a thin horizontal bony plate made up of two bones of the facial skeleton, located in the roof of the mouth. The bones are the palatine process of the maxilla and the horizontal plate of palatine bone. The hard palate spans the alveolar arch formed by the alveolar process that holds the upper teeth ( when these are developed ).

【 Structure 】

 The hard palate is formed by the palatine process of the maxilla and horizontal plate of palatine bone. It forms a partition between the nasal passages and the mouth. On the anterior portion of the hard palate are the plicae, irregular ridges in the mucous membrane that help facilitate the movement of food backward towards the larynx. This partition is continued deeper into the mouth by a fleshy extension called the soft palate.

【 Function 】

 The hard palate is important for feeding and speech. Mammals with a defective hard palate may die shortly after birth due to inability to suckle (see Cleft palate below). It is also involved in mastication in many species. The interaction between the tongue and the hard palate is essential in the formation of certain speech sounds, notably palatal consonant such as /j/ and /t/ 」

【 語 句 】

palatine process of the maxilla : 上顎骨の口蓋突起  ・ horizontal plate of palatine bone : 口蓋骨の水平板  ・ alveolar arch : 歯槽弓  ・ alveolar process : 歯槽突起  ・partition : 仕切り壁  ・ passage : 通路  ・ plicae : 皺襞  ・ ridge : 隆起(線)  ・mucous membrane : 粘膜  ・ facilitate : 促進する  ・ larynx : 喉頭  ・ fleshy : 多肉質の  ・ soft palate : 軟口蓋  ・ defective : 欠点のある  ・ suckle : 乳をのませる  ・ mastication : 咀嚼  ・ interaction : 相互作用  ・ consonant : 子音 


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