蝶形骨(前面) |
蝶形骨(前面) |
外頭蓋底 |
外頭蓋底 |
右鼻腔(外側壁) |
蝶形骨(底面) |
The medial pterygoid plate (or medial pterygoid lamina) of the sphenoid bone is a horse-shoe shaped process that arises from its underside.
It is narrower and longer than the lateral pterygoid plate and curves lateralward at its lower extremity into a hook-like process, the pterygoid hamulus, around which the tendon of the tensor veli palatini glides.
The lateral surface of this plate forms part of the pterygoid fossa, the medial surface constitutes the lateral boundary of the choana or posterior aperture of the corresponding nasal cavity.
Superiorly the medial plate is prolonged on to the under surface of the body as a thin lamina, named the vaginal process, which articulates in front with the sphenoidal process of the palatine and behind this with the ala (wing) of the vomer.
The angular prominence between the posterior margin of the vaginal process and the medial border of the scaphoid fossa is named the pterygoid tubercle, and immediately above this is the posterior opening of the pterygoid canal.
【 語 句 】
・sphenoid bone:蝶形骨 ・lateral pterygoid plate:外側板 ・pterygoid hamulus:翼突鈎 ・tensor veli palatini:口蓋帆張筋 ・pterygoid fossa:翼突窩 ・constitute:構成する ・choana:孔鼻孔 ・nasal cavity:鼻腔 ・vaginal process:鞘状突起 ・sphenoidal process:蝶形骨突起 ・ala of the vomer:鋤骨翼 ・scaphoid fossa:舟状窩 ・pterygoid tubercle:翼状結節 ・pterygoid canal:翼突管
On the under surface of the vaginal process is a furrow, which is converted into a canal by the sphenoidal process of the palatine bone, for the transmission of the pharyngeal branch of the internal maxillary artery and the pharyngeal nerve from the sphenopalatine ganglion.
The pharyngeal aponeurosis is attached to the entire length of the posterior edge of the medial plate, and the constrictor pharyngis superior takes origin from its lower third.
Projecting backward from near the middle of the posterior edge of this plate is an angular process, the processus tubarius, which supports the pharyngeal end of the Eustachian tube.
The anterior margin of the plate articulates with the posterior border of the vertical part of the palatine bone.
In many animals it is a separate bone called the pterygoid bone.
【 語 句 】
・furrow:溝 ・palatine bone:口蓋骨 ・pharyngeal branch of the internal maxillary artery:内頚動脈の咽頭枝 ・pharyngeal nerve :咽頭神経 ・sphenopalatine ganglion:翼口蓋神経節 ・pharyngeal aponeurosis:咽頭腱膜 ・constrictor pharyngis superior:上咽頭収縮筋 ・processus tubarius: ・Eustachian tube:耳管 ・articulate with~:~と接合する ・vertical part of the palatine bone:口蓋骨の垂直板 ・pterygoid bone:翼状骨
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