鋤 骨 |
鼻腔(内側壁) |
蝶形骨吻 |
眼窩・鼻腔周辺(冠状断面) |
The broaden caudal extremity of the vomer spreads under the body of the presphenoid bone. It presents in its middle a groove that separates the two lateral extensions: the wings of the vomer (Alae vomeris). These extensions unite to the ethmoid, palatine and pterygoid bones.
【 語 句 】
・caudal:尾部の ・extremity:末端 ・presphenoid bone:前蝶形骨 ・groove:溝 ・ethmoid bone:篩骨 ・palatine bone:口蓋骨 ・pterygoid bone :=pterygoid process 翼状突起(蝶形骨)
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