【位 置】
「通常、オトガイ孔は左右1対であるが、3.5%から24.6%の割合で複数のオトガイ孔が認められる事があり、通常大きさは揃っておらず一つの大きなオトガイ孔とその他の副オトガイ孔となる。左右とも副オトガイ孔を認めるものは少ない。 」
オトガイ神経 : 下歯槽神経(下顎神経の枝)の枝の一つで、知覚神経となる。
オトガイ動脈 : 下歯槽動脈(顎動脈の枝)の終枝
オトガイ静脈 : オトガイ部の静脈血を集めてオトガイ孔に入り下歯槽静脈となる?
「The mental foramen is one of two foramina (openings) located on the anterior surface of the mandible. It is part of the mandibular canal. It transmits the terminal branches of the inferior alveolar nerve and the mental vessels.
The mental foramen is located on the anterior surface of the mandible. It is directly below the commisure of the lips, and the tendon of depressor labii inferioris muscle. It is at the end of the mandibular canal, which begins at the mandibular foramen on the posterior surface of the mandible. It transmits the terminal branches of the inferior alveolar nerve (the mental nerve), the mental artery, and the mental vein.
The mental foramen descends slightly in toothless individuals.
The mental foramen is in line with the longitudinal axis of the 2nd premolar in 63% of people. It generally lies at the level of the vestibular fornix and about a finger's breadth above the inferior border of the mandible.
In the general population, 17% of mandibles have an additional mental foramen or foramina on at least one side, while 4% of the mandibles show multiple mental foramina on both sides. Most are unequal in size, often with a single large foramen while any others are smaller. An incisive mental foramen is observed in 1% of the side of the mandible.」
【 語 句 】
・foramina:foramenの複数 ・mandible:下顎骨 ・mandibular canal:下顎管 ・inferior alveolar nerve:下歯槽神経 ・commisure:交連 ・depressor labii inferioris muscle:下唇下制筋 ・mandibular foramen:下顎孔 ・premolar:小臼歯の ・vestibular:前庭の ・fornix:脳弓、円蓋 ・incisive:鋭敏な
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