・ 下歯槽静脈は下歯槽動脈の伴行静脈と思われる。
・ オトガイ静脈がオトガイ孔から下顎管に入って下歯槽静脈となる。
・ 下歯槽静脈は翼突筋静脈叢に注ぐ静脈の1つである。
The inferior alveolar vein is formed by the union of incisive and mental veins.
The inferior alveolar vein ascends within the mandibular canal, along with its arterial and nervous counterparts. It exits the mandibular foramen and enters the infratemporal fossa. Here, it passes between the sphenomandibular ligament and the ramus of the mandible to ascend behind the lateral pterygoid muscle.
The inferior alveolar vein receives the incisive and mental veins.
【Structures Drained】
The inferior alveolar vein drains the lower jaw and teeth into the maxillary vein inside the infratemporal fossa.
【語 句】
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