歯槽 ( しそう、 英:dental alveoli )




 Dental alveoli (singular alveolus) are sockets in the jaws in which the roots of teeth are held in the alveolar process with the periodontal ligament. The lay term for dental alveoli is tooth sockets. A joint that connects the roots of the teeth and the alveolus is called gomphosis (plural gomphoses). Alveolar bone is the bone that surrounds the roots of the teeth forming bone sockets.
 In mammals, tooth sockets are found in the maxilla, the premaxilla, and the mandible.

【 語 句 】

alveolar process:歯槽突起  ・periodontal ligament:歯周靭帯 ・gomphosis:釘植  ・maxilla:上顎骨 ・premaxilla:前上顎骨  ・mandible:下顎骨


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