中硬膜動脈 ( 顎動脈の枝 ) ( ちゅうこうまくどうみゃく、 英 : middle meningeal artery


 ・ 概 要
 ・ 経 過
 ・ 参考となるサイト Wikipedia 、 イラスト掲載サイト




 ・「 日本人体解剖学 」では顎動脈を4区域に分け、中硬膜動脈はその4区のうちの「 第1区域 = 下顎部 」より分岐する動脈となる。


 「 Wikipedia 」には以下のような解説文が見られる。

「 The branches of the middle meningeal artery are distributed partly to the dura mater, but chiefly to the bones 」





 以下は顎動脈の第1区( 下顎部 )の枝を簡単に表した図となる。




 1 . 乳様突起の手前で顎動脈より分岐し、ほぼ垂直に上行する。  

 2 . 棘孔下顎神経硬膜枝とともに通過する。

  ( 副硬膜枝を分岐する場合は棘孔を通過する前に棘孔し、副硬膜枝は卵円孔へと向かう。)

 3 . 棘孔を通過して岩様部枝上鼓室動脈を分岐しながら頭蓋の形状に沿って上行する。

 4 . 最終的には前頭枝頭頂枝の2分岐となる。




 以下は「 Wikipedia 」の解説文となる。

「 The middle meningeal artery (Latinarteria meningea media) is typically the third branch of the first part (retromandibular part) of the maxillary artery, one of the two terminal branches of the external carotid artery. After branching off the maxillary artery in the infratemporal fossa, it runs through the foramen spinosum to supply the dura mater ( the outermost meninges ) and the calvaria. The middle meningeal artery is the largest of the three (paired) arteries that supply the meninges, the others being the anterior meningeal artery and the posterior meningeal artery.
The anterior branch of the middle meningeal artery runs beneath the pterion. It is vulnerable to injury at this point, where the skull is thin. Rupture of the artery may give rise to an epidural hematoma. In the dry cranium, the middle meningeal, which runs within the dura mater surrounding the brain, makes a deep indention in the calvarium.
The middle meningeal artery is intimately associated with the auriculotemporal nerve, which wraps around the artery making the two easily identifiable in the dissection of human cadavers and also easily damaged in surgery.

【 語 句 】

infratemporal fossa : 側頭下窩   ・ foramen spinosum : 棘孔  ・ dura mater : 硬膜   ・ calvaria : 頭頂部  ・ meninge : 髄膜   ・ vulnerable : 攻撃されやすい  ・ rupture : 破裂   ・ epidural hematoma : 硬膜外血腫  ・ cranium : 頭蓋骨   ・ calvarium : 頭蓋冠  ・ intimately : 密接に   ・ auriculotemporal nerve : 耳介側頭神経  ・ identifiable : 同一視することができる   ・ dissection : 解剖  ・ human cadavers : 解剖学用の死体

【 structure 】

 It ascends between the sphenomandibular ligament and the pterygoideus externus (lateral pterygoid muscle), and between the two roots of the auriculotemporal nerve to the foramen spinosum of the sphenoid bone, through which it enters the cranium; it then runs forward in a groove on the great wing of the sphenoid bone, and divides into two branches, anterior and posterior.
The anterior branch, the larger, crosses the great wing of the sphenoid, reaches the groove, or canal, in the sphenoidal angle of the parietal bone, and then divides into branches that spread out between the dura mater and internal surface of the cranium, some passing upward as far as the vertex, and others backward to the occipital region.

【 語 句 】

sphenomandibular ligament : 蝶下顎靭帯   ・ pterygoideus externus : 外側翼突筋外側翼突筋

・ groove : 溝   ・ vertex : 頂点
The posterior branch curves backward on the squamous part of the temporal bone, and, reaching the parietal bone some distance in front of its mastoid angle, divides into branches that supply the posterior part of the dura mater and cranium.
The branches of the middle meningeal artery are distributed partly to the dura mater, but chiefly to the bones; they anastomose with the arteries of the opposite side, and with the anterior and posterior meningeal arteries. The very smallest distal branches anastomose through the skull with small arterioles from the scalp.
On entering the cranium, the middle meningeal artery gives off the following branches:

  1. Numerous small vessels
  2. A superficial petrosal branch
  3. superior tympanic artery 
  4. Orbital branches
  5. Temporal branches

【 Variation 】
In approximately half of subjects it branches into an accessory meningeal artery.
Very rarely the ophthalmic artery may arise as a branch of the middle meningeal artery.
The middle meningeal artery may arise not only from the maxillary artery but also from the ophthalmic artery, or lacrimal artery.[1]

【 語 句 】

squamous : 扁平   ・ mastoid angle : 乳突角  ・ arterioles : 小動脈   ・  ophthalmic artery : 眼動脈  ・ lacrimal artery : 涙腺動脈  


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