・概 要
・走 行
ちなみに以下が神経系の全体像となる。 以下は「Wikipedia」の解説文となる。 「The nasociliary nerve is a branch of the ophthalmic nerve (CN V1; one of three branches of the trigeminal nerve a.k.a CN V). It is intermediate in size between the two other main branches of the ophthalmic nerve, the frontal nerve and the lacrimal nerve, and is more deeply placed. Structure:The nasociliary nerve enters the orbit between the two heads of the lateral rectus muscles and between the superior and inferior rami of the oculomotor nerve (CN III). It passes across the optic nerve (CN II) and runs obliquely beneath the superior rectus muscle and superior oblique muscle to the medial wall of the orbital cavity. It passes through the anterior ethmoidal opening as the anterior ethmoidal nerve and enters the cranial cavity just above the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone. It supplies branches to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and finally emerges between the inferior border of the nasal bone and the side nasal cartilages as the external nasal branch.」
・上眼窩裂を通過して眼窩に入る。 ・さらに前進して内眼角に至り滑車下神経となる。