小内転筋 (しょうないてんきん、英:adductor minimus muscle)
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【 停 止 】 : 粗線(大腿骨)の内側唇の上端、殿筋粗面(大腿骨)の近く
「大腿を内転、屈曲し、同時に外側方に回す。」 ( 日本人体解剖学 )
・ 神 経 : 閉鎖神経の後枝(L3, L4)
・ 脈 管 :(おそらく)「大腿深動脈の貫通枝、閉鎖動脈」 あたりだと思われる。
In human anatomy, the adductor minimus (adductor femoris minimus or adductor quartus) is a small and flat skeletal muscle in the thigh which constitutes the upper, lateral part of the adductor magnus muscle.
The adductor minimus originates on the pelvis at the inferior ramus of the pubis as the anterior-most part of the adductor magnus. It is inserted on the back of the femur at the medial lip of the linea aspera and thus crosses the proximal part of the true adductor magnus.
The adductor minimus and the adductor magnus are frequently separated by a branch of the superior perforating branch of the profunda femoris artery and the former muscle is considered independent from the latter because it is primarily a separate entity.
It shares innervation with the adductor magnus; the obturator nerve supplies the part attached to the linea aspera while the tibial nerve (L3-5), a branch of the sciatic nerve, supplies the part inserted onto adductor tubercle.
In 33% of people a supernumerary muscle is found between the adductor brevis and minimus. When present, this muscle originates from the upper part of the inferior ramus of the pubis from where it runs downwards and laterally. In half of cases, it inserts into the anterior surface of the insertion aponeurosis of the adductor minimus. In the remaining cases, it is either inserted into the upper part of the pectineal line or the posterior part of the lesser trochanter. While similar to its neighbouring adductors, it is formed by separation from the superficial layer of the obturator externus, and is thus not ontogenetically related to the adductors.[3]
It adducts and laterally rotates the femur.
【 語 句 】
・constitute:構成する ・adductor magnus muscle:大内転筋 ・pelvis:骨盤 ・inferior ramus:下枝 ・pubis:恥骨 ・femur:大腿骨 ・medial lip:内側唇 ・linea aspera:粗線 ・perforating branch:貫通枝 ・profunda femoris artery:深大腿動脈 ・entity:実在、存在 ・obturator nerve:閉鎖神経 ・tibial nerve:脛骨神経 ・sciatic nerve:坐骨神経 ・adductor tubercle:内転筋結節 ・supernumerary:規定数以上の ・adductor brevis:短内転筋 ・aponeurosis:腱膜 ・pectineal line:恥骨櫛 ・lesser trochanter:小転子 ・obturator externus:外閉鎖筋 ・ontogenetically:個体発生的に