腓腹筋 ( ひふくきん、英:gastrocnemius )
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腓腹筋とヒラメ筋の違い |
腓腹筋 |
ヒラメ筋 |
1 |
筋の構成 |
速筋 が多い |
遅筋 が多い |
2 |
関節筋 |
単関節筋(足関節) |
「日本人体解剖学 (上巻)」には以下のような説明が見受けられる。
「腓腹筋の起始は、大腿骨の遠位端から約5㎝頭方の部位であり、外側頭に比べて内側頭の方が若干頭方の部位から起こる。 ・腓腹筋は、大腿骨から直接起こる筋線維も多く、この部位の筋腹は半膜様筋と大腿二頭筋に覆われる。 」
筋連結 : 大腿二頭筋、大内転筋、長趾屈筋、ヒラメ筋、足底筋
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【 起 始 】 : 内側頭 : 内側上顆(大腿骨) 外側頭 : 外側上顆(大腿骨)
【 停 止 】 : 踵骨隆起(踵骨) ※ヒラメ筋の停止腱とともにアキレス腱 《踵骨腱》となる。
「足を足底側に屈曲し、踵を上げ、膝関節を曲げる。足を固定するときは、下腿および大腿を後方へ引く。 」 ( 日本人体解剖学 )
・ 神 経 : 脛骨神経(L5,S1,S2) ※場合によってはL4を含む。
・ 脈 管 : 「後脛骨動脈」あたりだと思われるが、それに言及している資料は見当たらない。
The gastrocnemius muscle (plural gastrocnemii) is a superficial two-headed muscle that is in the back part of the lower leg of humans. It runs from its two heads just above the knee to the heel, a three joint muscle (knee, ankle and subtalar joints). The muscle is named via Latin, from Greek γαστήρ (gaster) 'belly' or 'stomach' and κνήμη (knḗmē) 'leg', meaning 'stomach of leg' (referring to the bulging shape of the calf).
The gastrocnemius is located with the soleus in the posterior (back) compartment of the leg. The lateral head originates from the lateral condyle of the femur, while the medial head originates from the medial condyle of the femur. Its other end forms a common tendon with the soleus muscle; this tendon is known as the calcaneal tendon or Achilles tendon and inserts onto the posterior surface of the calcaneus, or heel bone. It is considered a superficial muscle as it is located directly under skin, and its shape may often be visualized through the skin.
Deep to the gastrocnemius (farther from the skin) is the soleus muscle. Some anatomists consider both to be a single muscle—the triceps surae or "three-headed [muscle] of the calf"—since they share a common insertion via the Achilles tendon. The plantaris muscle and a portion of its tendon run between the two muscles, which is involved in "locking" the knee from the standing position. Since the anterior compartment of the leg is lateral to the tibia, the bulge of muscle medial to the tibia on the anterior side is actually the posterior compartment. The soleus is superficial to the mid-shaft of the tibia.
10% to 30% of individuals have a sesamoid bone called the "fabella" in the lateral (outer) head of the gastrocnemius muscle.
Along with the soleus muscle, the gastrocnemius forms half of the calf muscle. Its function is plantar flexing the foot at the ankle joint and flexing the leg at the knee joint.
The gastrocnemius is primarily involved in running, jumping and other "fast" movements of leg, and to a lesser degree in walking and standing. This specialization is connected to the predominance of white muscle fibers (type II fast twitch) present in the gastrocnemius, as opposed to the soleus, which has more red muscle fibers (type I slow twitch) and is the primary active muscle when standing still, as determined by EMG studies.
【 語 句 】
・subtalar joint:距骨下関節 ・soleus:ヒラメ筋 ・lateral condyle:外側顆 ・femur:大腿骨 ・medial condyle:内側顆 ・calcaneal:踵骨の ・Achilles tendon:アキレス腱 ・calcaneus:踵骨 ・triceps surae:下腿三頭筋 ・plantaris muscle:足底筋 ・tibia:脛骨 ・bulge:ふくらみ ・sesamoid bone:豆状骨 ・predominance:優勢 ・twitch:ひきつり、けいれん