最上部 : 第2頚椎(軸椎)の下関節突起と第3頚椎の上関節突起との接合
最下部 : 第5腰椎の下関節突起と仙骨の上関節突起との接合
頚椎 : 前上方から後下方に傾く。
胸椎 : 前額位(?)に近いが、左右の関節面は椎体の前方部を中心とする円弧の一部にあたる。
腰椎 : 殆ど矢状位をとるが、その前部が前額位になるように内側に弯曲する。
The facet joints, (or zygapophysial joints, zygapophyseal, apophyseal, or Z-joints) are a set of synovial, plane joints between the articular processes of two adjacent vertebrae. There are two facet joints in each spinal motion segment and each facet joint is innervated by the recurrent meningeal nerves.
The biomechanical function of each pair of facet joints is to guide and limit movement of the spinal motion segment. In the lumbar spine, for example, the facet joints function to protect the motion segment from anterior shear forces, excessive rotation and flexion. Facet joints appear to have little influence on the range of side bending (lateral flexion). These functions can be disrupted by degeneration, dislocation, fracture, injury, instability from trauma, osteoarthritis, and surgery. In the thoracic spine the facet joints function to restrain the amount of flexion and anterior translation of the corresponding vertebral segment and function to facilitate rotation. Cavitation of the synovial fluid within the facet joints is responsible for the popping sound (crepitus) associated with manual spinal manipulation, commonly referred to as "cracking the back."
The facet joints, both superior and inferior, are aligned in a way to allow flexion and extension, and to limit rotation. This is especially true in the lumbar spine.
【 語 句 】
・synovial:滑膜の ・plane joint:平面関節 ・articular process:関節突起 ・adjacent:隣接する ・vertebrae:vertebra(脊椎)の複 ・recurrent meningeal nerves:反回硬膜神経 ・biomechanical:生体運動学の ・lumbar spine:腰椎 ・shear force:ずり応力 ・excessive:過度の ・degeneration:退化、変性 ・dislocation:脱臼 ・fracture:骨折 ・instability:不安定 ・trauma:(精神的)外傷 ・osteoarthritis:骨関節炎 ・thoracic spine:胸椎 ・restrain:抑制する ・facilitate:促進する ・cavitation:空洞化 ・manipulation:整骨 ・align:直線にする