大菱形筋  ( だいりょうけいきん、 英 : rhomboid major muscle  muscle )


概 要
作 用
神経 / 脈管
起始 / 停止




・ すぐ上部には小菱形筋があるが、その境界がはっきりしない場合もある。

・ 起始付近では膜様の腱になっているが、停止付近では筋腹は厚い。また、筋線維は平行して走っていて、筋腹が


・ 「船戸和也HP 」 には以下のような解説文が見られる。

  「 両筋 ( 大・小菱形筋 ) の境を血管が貫通している。」



・ 筋連結 : 小菱形筋  ・僧帽筋  ・前鋸筋





【 起 始 】 : 第1から第4胸椎棘突起、 棘間靭帯

【 停 止 】 : 肩甲骨 の内側縁






 ・ 神 経 : 肩甲背神経 (C4,C5,C6)

 ・ 脈 管 : 肩甲背動脈 ( = 下行肩甲動脈







 The rhomboid major is a skeletal muscle on the back that connects the scapula with the vertebrae of the spinal column. In human anatomy, it acts together with the rhomboid minor to keep the scapula pressed against thoracic wall and to retract the scapula toward the vertebral column.[1]

【 Structure 】

 The rhomboid major arises from the spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae T2 to T5 as well as the supraspinous ligament. It inserts on the medial border of the scapula, from about the level of the scapular spine to the scapula's inferior angle.[2]
 The rhomboid major is considered a superficial back muscle. It is deep to the trapezius, and is located directly inferior to the rhomboid minor. As the word rhomboid suggests, the rhomboid major is diamond-shaped. The major in its name indicates that it is the larger of the two rhomboids.
【 Variation 】
 The two rhomboids are sometimes fused into a single muscle.[1]

【 語 句 】

scapula : 肩甲骨  ・ vertebrae : 椎骨  ・ spinal column : 脊柱  ・ thoracic wall : 胸壁  ・ retract : 引っ込ませる  ・ spinous processes : 棘突起  ・ thoracic vertebrae : 胸椎  ・ supraspinous ligament : 棘上靭帯  ・ scapular spine : 肩甲棘  ・ scapula's inferior angle : 肩甲骨下角  ・ trapezius : 僧帽筋  

【 Nerve supply 】

 The rhomboid major, like the rhomboid minor, is innervated by the ventral primary ramus via the dorsal scapular nerve (C5).[2]

【 Blood supply 】
 Both rhomboid muscles also derive their arterial blood supply from the dorsal scapular artery.

【 Function 】

 The rhomboid major helps to hold the scapula (and thus the upper limb) onto the ribcage. Other muscles that perform this function include the serratus anterior and pectoralis minor.
Both rhomboids (major and minor) also act to retract the scapula, pulling it towards the vertebral column.
 The rhomboids work collectively with the levator scapulae muscles to elevate the medial border of the scapula, downwardly rotating the scapula with respect to the glenohumeral joint. Antagonists to this function (upward rotators of the scapulae) are the serratus anterior and lower fibers of the trapezius. If the lower fibers are inactive, the serratus anterior and upper trapezius work in tandem with rhomboids and levators to elevate the entire scapula.

【 語 句 】

・ ventral primary ramus : 前枝?  ・ dorsal scapular nerve : 肩甲背神経  ・ ribcage : 胸郭  ・ serratus anterior : 前鋸筋  ・ pectoralis minor : 大胸筋  ・ collectively : 合わせて  ・ levator scapulae muscles : 肩甲挙筋  ・ with respect to ~ : ~ に関しては  ・ glenohumeral joint : 肩関節    


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