短腓骨筋 (たんひこつきん、英:peroneus brevis muscle)
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【 起 始 】 : 腓骨、外側面、遠位2/3の領域
※資料によっては次を含む ・前下腿筋間中隔 ・後下腿筋間中隔
【 停 止 】 : 第5中足骨、粗面
「足を足底側に屈曲し、足を固定すると下腿および大腿を後方に引く。 」 ( 日本人体解剖学 )
・ 神 経 : 浅腓骨神経(L5,S1)
The peroneus brevis muscle (or fibularis brevis muscle) lies under cover of the peroneus longus, and is the shorter and smaller of the peroneus muscles.
It arises from the lower two-thirds of the lateral surface of the body of the fibula, medial to the peroneus longus, and from the intermuscular septa separating it from the adjacent muscles on the front and back of the leg.
The fibers pass vertically downward, and end in a tendon which runs behind the lateral malleolus along with but in front of that of the preceding muscle, the two tendons being enclosed in the same compartment and lubricated by a common mucous sheath.
It then runs forward on the lateral side of the calcaneus, above the calcaneal tubercle and the tendon of the peroneus longus, and is inserted into the tuberosity at the base of the fifth metatarsal bone, on its lateral side. When the base of the fifth metatarsal is fractured, the peroneus brevis may pull on and displace the proximal fragment (Jones Fracture). An inversion sprain of the foot may pull the tendon such that it avulses the tuberosity at the base of the fifth metatarsal.
【Nerve supply】
It is innervated by the superficial fibular nerve, also known as the superficial peroneal nerve.
The peroneus brevis muscle is the strongest abductor of the foot. It also assists in weak plantarflexion and eversion of the foot. It provides lateral stability to the foot and ankle.
【 語 句 】
・peroneus longus:長腓骨筋 ・fibula:腓骨 ・intermuscular septa:筋間中隔 ・adjacent:隣接した ・lateral malleolus:外果 ・preceding:すぐ前の、前述の ・lubricate:滑らかにする ・mucous sheath:腱鞘? ・calcaneus:踵骨 ・calcaneal tubercle:踵骨結節 ・tuberosity:結節 ・metatarsal bone:中足骨 ・proximal:近位の ・fragment:断片 ・sprain:捻挫 ・avulse:自然に分離する ・superficial fibular nerve:浅腓骨神経 ・abductor:外転筋 ・eversion:外転