第三腓骨筋 ( だいさんひこつきん、英:peroneus tertius muscle )


概 要
作 用
神経 / 脈管
起始 / 停止



・「 長趾伸筋および第三腓骨筋の停止腱は、足根洞と下伸筋支帯の間にあるワナ靭帯により固定される。」(日本人体解剖学


 筋連結 : 長腓骨筋、 短腓骨筋、 長母趾伸筋、 長趾伸筋







【 起 始 】 : 腓骨の内側面、遠位1/3以下      

【 停 止 】 : 第5中足骨、骨底、背側面 



 「 足を足背側に屈する運動を助け、また足の外側縁をあげる。(外反)」 ( 日本人体解剖学


 ・ 神 経 : 深腓骨神経(L4,L5,S1) 

 ・ 脈 管 : 


 The peroneus tertius muscle (also known as the fibularis tertius muscle) is a muscle of the lower limb of the human body. Its presence is variable in humans. It is likely to be an accessory muscle to bipedalism.


 The peroneus tertius muscle arises from the lower third of the anterior surface of the fibula (anterior compartment of lower leg), the lower part of the interosseous membrane, and an intermuscular septum between it and the peroneus brevis muscle. The septum is sometimes called the intermuscular septum of Otto.
 The tendon passes under the superior extensor retinaculum of foot and inferior extensor retinaculum of foot in the same canal as the extensor digitorum longus muscle. It may be mistaken as a fifth tendon of the extensor digitorum longus muscle. It is inserted into the medial part of the posterior surface of the shaft of the fifth metatarsal bone.

【 語 句 】

bipedalism:直立二足歩行  ・fibula:腓骨  ・interosseous membrane:骨間膜  ・intermuscular septum:筋間中隔  ・peroneus brevis muscle:短腓骨筋  ・superior extensor retinaculum:上伸筋支帯  ・extensor digitorum longus muscle:長趾伸筋  ・metatarsal bone:中足骨  

【Nerve supply】
 The peroneus tertius muscle is supplied by the deep fibular nerve. This is unlike the other peroneal muscles, which are innervated by the superficial fibular nerve, since the peroneus tertius is a member of the anterior compartment.

 The peroneus tertius muscle may be absent in humans. It may be absent in as few as 5% of people, or as many as 72% depending on the population surveyed. It is rarely found in other primates, which has linked its function to efficient terrestrial bipedalism.


 The peroneus tertius muscle is a weak dorsiflexor of the ankle joint, and an evertor of the foot at the ankle joint. It is likely to be helpful in bipedal walking, although not essential.


【 語 句 】

deep fibular nerve:深腓骨神経  ・superficial fibular nerve:浅腓骨神経  ・primate:霊長類  ・efficient:効率的な、有能な  ・terrestrial:地球上の  ・evertor:外転筋  ・bipedal walking:二足歩行  


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