上双子筋 ( じょうそうしきん、英:gemellus superior muscle )
・ 概 要 |
・ 作 用 |
・ イラスト掲載サイト |
・ イラスト |
・ 神経 / 脈管 |
・ 起始 / 停止 |
・ Wikipedia |
・「三頭円筋:内閉鎖筋、上・下双子筋を合わせていう。」(日本人体解剖学 (上巻))
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【 停 止 】 : 大腿骨の転子窩 ※内閉鎖筋、下双子筋と合っして停止
・ 神 経 : 仙骨神経叢(L4,L5,S1)
・ 脈 管 : 下殿動脈 (Wikipedia)
The gemelli muscles are two small muscular fasciculi, accessories to the tendon of the internal obturator muscle which is received into a groove between them. The superior gemellus muscle is the higher placed gemellus muscle that arises from the outer (gluteal) surface of the ischial spine, and blends with the upper part of the tendon of the internal obturator. It is smaller than the inferior gemellus. In some people, the fibres of the gemellus superior extend further than average, and are prolonged onto the medial surface of the greater trochanter of the femur.
The superior and inferior gemelli are supplied by the inferior gluteal artery. Nerve supply to the superior gemellus is from the supply to the internal obturator – L5, S1, and S2.
【 語 句 】
・fasciculi:束 ・internal obturator muscle:内閉鎖筋 ・groove:溝 ・ischial spine:坐骨棘 ・inferior gemellus:下双子筋 ・prolong:延長する ・greater trochanter:大転子 ・femur:大腿骨 ・inferior gluteal artery:下殿動脈