尺側手根屈筋 ( しゃくそくしゅこんくっきん、 英:flexor carpi ulnaris muscle )
・ 概 要 |
・ 作 用 |
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・ 神経 / 脈管 |
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・「尺側手根屈筋の橈側部の筋腹は、約1㎝の厚さがあるが、尺側部の筋腹は薄い。」 「骨格筋の形と触察法」 (太峰閣)
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【 起 始 】 : 上腕頭 : 上腕骨の内側上顆
尺骨頭 : 尺骨の後縁、近位1/2、 前腕筋膜
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「 手根を曲げ、同時に手を(尺側に)内転する。」 ( 日本人体解剖学 )
・ 神 経 : 尺骨神経 (C8,T1) ※場合によってはC7を含める。
The flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) is a muscle of the forearm that flexes and adducts at the wrist joint.
【 Structure 】
【 Origin 】
The flexor carpi ulnaris has two heads; a humeral head and ulnar head. The humeral head originates from the medial epicondyle of the humerus via the common flexor tendon. The ulnar head originates from the medial margin of the olecranon of the ulnar and the upper two-thirds of the dorsal border of the ulnar by an aponeurosis. Between the two heads passes the ulnar nerve and ulnar artery.
【 Insertion 】
The flexor carpi ulnaris inserts onto the pisiform, hook of the hamate (via the pisohamate ligament) and the anterior surface of the base of the fifth metacarpal (via the pisometacarpal ligament).
【 Action 】
The flexor carpi ulnaris flexes and adducts at the wrist joint.
【 語 句 】
・ adduct : 内転する ・ medial epicondyle : 内側上顆 ・ humerus : 上腕骨 ・ olecranon : 肘頭 ・ ulnar : 尺骨 ・ aponeurosis : 腱膜 ・ pisiform : 豆状骨 ・ hook : 鉤 ・ hamate : 有鈎骨 ・pisohamate ligament : 豆鉤靭帯 ・ metacarpal : 中手骨 ・pisometacarpal ligament : 豆中手靭帯
【 Innervation 】
The flexor carpi ulnaris is innervated by the ulnar nerve. The corresponding spinal nerves are C8 and T1.
【 Tendon 】
The tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris can be seen on the anterior surface of the distal forearm. On a person's distal forearm, just before the wrist, there are either two or three tendons. The tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris is the most medial (closest to the little finger) of these. The most lateral one is the tendon of flexor carpi radialis muscle, and the middle one, not always present, is the tendon of palmaris longus.
【 Function 】
The muscle, like all flexors of the forearm, can be strengthened by exercises that resist its flexion. A wrist roller can be used and wrist curls with dumbbells can also be performed. These exercises are used to prevent injury to the ulnar collateral ligament of elbow joint.[citation needed]
【 Variability 】
The muscle can be doubled as accessory flexor carpi ulnaris muscle and is often accompanied by concomitant variants.[1]
【 語 句 】
・ corresponding : 一致する、対応する ・ distal : 遠位の ・ flexor carpi radialis muscle : 橈側手根屈筋 ・ palmaris longus : 長掌筋 ・ ulnar collateral ligament : 内側側副靭帯 ・ concomitant : 付随する ・ variant : 異形