1 . 顔面(眼窩の下部周辺)の静脈が集まり起始部を形成
2 . 眼窩下孔から眼窩下管に入る。
3 . 眼窩下管を出て下眼静脈と合流
4 . 眼窩下溝を後方に走る。
5 . 下眼窩裂から眼窩を出て翼突筋静脈叢に注ぐ。
以下は「 Wikipedia 」の解説文となる。
The infraorbital vein is a vein that drains structures of the floor of the orbit. It arises on the face and passes backwards through the orbit alongside infraorbital artery and nerve, exiting the orbit through the inferior orbital fissure to drain into the pterygoid venous plexus.
The infraorbital vein arises on the face by the union of several tributaries.
【Course and relations】
Accompanied by the infraorbital artery and the infraorbital nerve, it passes posteriorly through the infraorbital foramen, infraorbital canal, and infraorbital groove. It exits the orbit through the inferior orbital fissure to drain into the pterygoid venous plexus.
The infraorbital vein drains structures of the floor of the orbit; receives tributaries from structures that lie close to the floor of the orbit.
The infraorbital vein communicates with the inferior ophthalmic vein. It may sometimes additionally also communicate with the facial vein on the face.
【 語 句 】
・inferior orbital fissure:下眼窩裂 ・pterygoid venous plexus:翼突筋静脈叢 ・tributary:支流 ・infraorbital foramen:眼窩下孔 ・infraorbital canal:眼窩下管 ・infraorbital groove:眼窩下溝 ・anastomose:吻合 ・inferior aphthalmic vein:下眼静脈
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