小腰筋 ( しょうようきん、英:psoas minor muscle )


概 要
作 用
神経 / 脈管
起始 / 停止





・「It has an average length of about 24 cm, of which about 7.1 cm is muscle tissue and about 17 cm is tendon.」(Wikipedia)


筋連結 : 大腰筋 横隔膜






【 起 始 】 : 第12胸椎および第1腰椎の椎体外側面    

【 停 止 】 : 「腸骨筋膜につき、それとともに腸恥隆起に向かう。」( 日本人体解剖学


「 腸骨筋膜を張り、腰椎を外側方に曲げる。」 ( 日本人体解剖学


 ・ 神 経 : 腰神経叢の筋肉枝(L1 ~ L3) ※場合によってはT12及びL4を含む。

 ・ 脈 管 : 腰動脈 


 The psoas minor muscle is a long, slender skeletal muscle. When present, it is located anterior to the psoas major muscle.


 The psoas minor muscle originates from the vertical fascicles inserted on the last thoracic and first lumbar vertebrae. From there, it passes down onto the medial border of the psoas major, and is inserted to the innominate line and the iliopectineal eminence. Additionally, it attaches to and stretches the deep surface of the iliac fascia and occasionally its lowermost fibers reach the inguinal ligament. It is posteriolateral to the iliopsoas muscle. Variations occur, however, and the insertion on the iliopubic eminence sometimes radiates into the iliopectineal arch.
 The psoas minor muscle receives oxygenated blood from the four lumbar arteries (inferior to the subcostal artery) and the lumbar branch of the iliolumbar artery.[citation needed]

 The psoas minor muscle is innervated by direct branches of the lumbar spinal nerves.

 The psoas minor muscle is considered inconstant and is often absent, only being present in about 40% of human specimens studied. It has an average length of about 24 cm, of which about 7.1 cm is muscle tissue and about 17 cm is tendon.


 The psoas minor is a weak flexor of the lumbar vertebral column.


【 語 句 】

psoas major muscle:大腰筋  ・fascicle:小束  ・thoracic:胸の  ・lumbar vertebrae:腰椎  ・innominate line:骨盤分界線  ・iliopectineal eminence:腸恥隆起  ・iliac fascia:腸骨筋膜  ・inguinal ligament:鼡径靭帯  ・iliopsoas muscle:腸腰筋  ・radiate:放射状に延びる  ・iliopectineal arch:腸恥筋膜弓    ・lumbar arteries:腰動脈   ・subcostal artery:肋下動脈  ・iliolumbar artery:腸腰動脈  ・lumbar spinal nerves:腰(脊髄)神経?  ・specimen:標本  ・vertebral column:脊柱  


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