斜甲状披裂筋  ( しゃこうじょうひれつきん、 英:oblique thyroarytenoid muscle )


概 要
起始 / 停止





「甲状披裂筋の外側に接して見られる筋で、披裂軟骨の筋突起から起こって斜め上前方に走り、甲状軟骨の上縁に停止する。 」





【 起 始 】:披裂軟骨筋突起   

【 停 止 】:甲状軟骨の上縁 



 This study aimed to determine the prevalence and morphological variations of the oblique thyroarytenoid (TA) muscle in humans.
【Study Design】
 Cadaveric anatomic dissections.
 One hundred hemilarynges from 50 formalin-embalmed cadavers were dissected to investigate the morphology of muscle fibers of the TA muscle.
 Thirty-six (36%) hemilarynges were found to have a distinct oblique belly superficial to the TA muscle. In 28 cases, the belly had a relatively constant origin and an insertion that extended straight onto the TA muscle from the anterosuperior area of the internal surface of the thyroid lamina to the base of the muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage. Eight cases were located in a similar area but with some differences in the origin or insertion features.
 We proposed that the oblique TA muscle has a high prevalence and probably acts to close and relax the vocal cords. It remains to be determined whether the oblique TA muscle is an independent muscle or an accessory belly of the main TA muscle.


【 語 句 】

・prevalence:普及 ・morphological:形態学的な ・cadaveric:死体の ・dissection:解剖 ・formalin-embalmed:ホルマリンで保存された ・hemilarynge:半側切除された喉頭? ・distinct:明瞭な ・muscular process:筋突起 ・arytenoid cartilage:披裂軟骨 ・vocal cords:声帯