短母趾屈筋 (たんぼしくっきん、英: flexor hallucis brevis muscle)


概 要
作 用
神経 / 脈管
起始 / 停止








【 起 始 】:資料によってばらつきが見られる。

内側楔状骨中間楔状骨、足底踵骨立方靭帯、長底側靭帯 (日本人体解剖学

・ 楔状骨、底側踵立方靱帯、後脛骨筋の腱 (船戸和也のHP)

内側楔状骨中間楔状骨、底側踵立方靱帯 (プロメテウス解剖学アトラス)


【 停 止 】: 内側頭 : 第1中足骨の骨底、内側種子骨(母趾外転筋と共通)、母指基節骨の骨底
        外側頭 : 第1中足骨の骨底、外側種子骨(母趾内転筋と共通)、母指基節骨の骨底


 「母指、足底側に曲げる。 」 ( 日本人体解剖学


 ・ 神 経 : 内側足底神経 (L5,S1,S2)

 ・ 脈 管 : 内側足底動脈 


 Flexor hallucis brevis muscle is a muscle of the foot that flexes the big toe.


 Flexor hallucis longus muscle arises, by a pointed tendinous process, from the medial part of the under surface of the cuboid bone, from the contiguous portion of the third cuneiform, and from the prolongation of the tendon of the tibialis posterior muscle which is attached to that bone. It divides in front into two portions, which are inserted into the medial and lateral sides of the base of the first phalanx of the great toe, a sesamoid bone being present in each tendon at its insertion. The medial portion is blended with the abductor hallucis muscle previous to its insertion; the lateral portion (sometimes described as the first plantar interosseus) with the adductor hallucis muscle. The tendon of the flexor hallucis longus muscle lies in a groove between the two. Its tendon usually contains two sesamoid bones at the point under the first metatarsophalangeal joint.

 The medial and lateral head of the flexor hallucis brevis is innervated by the medial plantar nerve. Both heads are represented by spinal segments S1, S2.

 Origin subject to considerable variation; it often receives fibers from the calcaneus or long plantar ligament. Attachment to the cuboid bone sometimes wanting. Slip to first phalanx of the second toe.


 Flexor hallucis brevis flexes the first metatarsophalangeal joint, or the big toe. It helps to maintain the medial longitudinal arch. It assists with the toe-off phase of gait providing increased push-off.


【 語 句 】

cuboid bone:立方骨 ・contiguous:隣接する ・cuneiform:楔状骨 ・prolongation:延長 ・tibialis posterior muscle:後脛骨筋 ・phalanx:指 ・sesamoid bone:種子骨 ・abductor hallucis muscle:母趾外転筋 ・plantar interosseus:底側骨間筋 ・adductor hallucis muscle:母趾内転筋 ・flexor hallucis longus muscle:長母趾屈筋 ・groove:溝 ・metatarsophalangeal joint:中足趾節関節 ・medial plantar nerve:内側足底神経 ・calcaneus:踵骨 ・long plantar ligament:長足底靭帯 ・gait:歩きぶり 





