頬骨突起(側頭骨)( きょうこつとっき、英:zygomatic process )





【経 過】 ※参考:「Wikipedia

 1. 鱗部の外側面より(外耳孔のすぐ上方)上・下の2面をもって外側に突出する。

 2. 内側にねじれて内・外の2面になって前方に走る。

 3. 前端は鋸歯状(serrated)となって頬骨側頭突起と接合して(頬骨側頭縫合頬骨弓を形成する。


側頭骨(外側面) 側頭骨(内側面) 側頭骨(外側面) 側頭骨(前部から) 側頭骨(上部から)



 The zygomatic process of the temporal bone is a long, arched process projecting from the lower part of the squamous portion of the temporal bone. It articulates with the zygomatic bone.
 This process is at first directed lateralward, its two surfaces looking upward and downward; it then appears as if twisted inward upon itself, and runs forward, its surfaces now looking medialward and lateralward.
 The superior border is long, thin, and sharp, and serves for the attachment of the temporal fascia.
 The inferior border, short, thick, and arched, has attached to it some fibers of the masseter.
 The lateral surface is convex and subcutaneous. The medial surface is concave, and affords attachment to the masseter.
 The anterior end is deeply serrated and articulates with the zygomatic bone. The posterior end is connected to the squama by two roots, the anterior and posterior roots:

  • The posterior root, a prolongation of the upper border, is strongly marked; it runs backward above the external auditory meatus.
  • The anterior root, continuous with the lower border, is short but broad and strong; it is directed medialward and ends in a rounded eminence, the articular tubercle (eminentia articularis).


【 語 句 】

・squamous portion:鱗部  ・temporal bone:側頭骨 ・articulate with~:~と接合する  ・zygomatic bone:頬骨 ・temporal fascia:側頭筋膜  ・masseter:咬筋 ・convex:凸状の  ・subcutaneous:皮下の ・concave:甲状の  ・serrated:鋸歯状の ・prolongation:延長  ・external auditory meatus:外耳道 ・articular tubercle:関節結節  


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