頭蓋骨(左側面) |
外頭蓋底 |
咬筋 |
咬筋の起始部 |
頭蓋骨(左側面) |
側頭窩 |
【 その他 】
「頬骨弓の下方のくぼみにある脂肪塊(頬脂肪体sucking pad)は、普通の皮下脂肪とは違って、線維の少ないみずみずしい脂肪組織からなり、いくらを詰めたようになっている。」
In anatomy, the zygomatic arch, or cheek bone, is a part of the skull formed by the zygomatic process of the temporal bone (a bone extending forward from the side of the skull, over the opening of the ear) and the temporal process of the zygomatic bone (the side of the cheekbone), the two being united by an oblique suture (the zygomaticotemporal suture); the tendon of the temporal muscle passes medial to (i.e. through the middle of) the arch, to gain insertion into the coronoid process of the mandible (jawbone).
The jugal point is the point at the anterior (back) end of the upper border of the zygomatic arch where the masseteric and maxillary edges meet at an angle, and where it meets the process of the zygomatic bone.[clarification needed]
The arch is typical of Synapsida (“fused arch”), a clade of amniotes that includes mammals and their extinct relatives, such as Moschops and Dimetrodon.
The zygomatic process of the temporal arises by two roots:
- an anterior, directed inward in front of the mandibular fossa, where it expands to form the articular tubercle.
- a posterior, which runs backward above the external acoustic meatus and is continuous with the supramastoid crest.
The upper border of the arch gives attachment to the temporal fascia; the lower border and medial surface give origin to the masseter.
【 語 句 】
・zygomatic process:頬骨突起 ・temporal bone:側頭骨 ・temporal process:側頭突起 ・zygomatic bone:頬骨 ・zygomaticotemporal suture:頬骨側頭縫合 ・temporal muscle:側頭筋 ・coronoid process:筋突起 ・mandible:下顎骨 ・masseteric:咬筋の ・maxillary:上顎骨の ・Synapsida:単弓綱 ・clade: クレード 《共通の祖先から進化した生物群》. ・amniote:有羊膜類 ・extinct:絶滅した ・Moschops:モスコプス(南アフリカに生息していた単弓類の絶滅した属) ・Dimetrodon:ディメトロドン(北アメリカに生息していた肉食単弓類) ・mandibular fossa:下顎窩 ・articular tubercle:関節結節 ・external acoustic meatus:外耳道 ・supramastoid crest:乳突上稜
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