頬骨歯槽稜: crista zygomaticoalveolaris 頬骨突起の下縁から第1大臼歯に向かって出る強い骨稜(日本人体解剖学)
頬骨下稜: その下縁はは頬骨下稜(JNA)といい、下方に走って上顎体の前面と側と下面との境界となりそのつづきは
The zygomatic process of the maxilla (malar process) is a rough triangular eminence, situated at the angle of separation of the anterior, zygomatic, and orbital surfaces.
- In front it forms part of the anterior surface.
- Behind it is concave, and forms part of the infratemporal fossa.
- Above it is rough and serrated for articulation with the zygomatic bone.
- Below it presents the prominent arched border which marks the division between the anterior and infratemporal surfaces.
【 語 句 】
・malar:頬骨の ・eminence:高くなった部分 ・orbital:眼窩の ・concave:凹状の ・infratemporal fossa:側頭下窩 ・serrated:鋸歯状の ・articulation with~:~との関節
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