頚動脈管(側頭骨)( けいどうみゃくかん、英:carotid canal )










 The carotid canal is the passageway in the temporal bone through which the internal carotid artery enters the middle cranial fossa from the neck. The canal starts on the inferior surface of the temporal bone at the external opening of the carotid canal (also referred to as the carotid foramen). The canal ascends at first superiorly, and then, making a bend, runs anteromedially. The canal's internal opening is near the foramen lacerum, above which the internal carotid artery passes on its way anteriorly to the cavernous sinus.

【 Contents】

 The carotid canal allows the internal carotid artery to pass into the cranium, as well as the carotid plexus of nerves traveling on the artery.
 Sympathetics to the head from the superior cervical ganglion also pass through the carotid canal. They have several motor functions: raise the eyelid (superior tarsal muscle), dilate pupil, innervate sweat glands of face and scalp and constricts blood vessels in the head.


【 語 句 】

・temporal bone:側頭骨  ・internal carotid artery:内頚動脈 ・middle cranial fossa:中頭蓋窩  ・external opeinig of the carotid canal:頚動脈管外口 ・foramen lacerum:破裂孔  ・cavernous sinus:海綿静脈洞 ・cranium:頭蓋  ・carotid plexus:内頚動脈神経叢 ・slympathetics:交感神経性の  ・superior cervical ganglion:上頚神経節 ・motor functions:運動機能  ・eyelid:まぶた ・superior tarsal muscle:上眼瞼筋  ・dilate:広げる ・pupil:瞳孔  ・sweat glands:汗腺 ・constrict:収縮させる  


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