以下は「 日本人体解剖学 」の解説文となる。
「下歯槽動・静脈、下歯槽神経が通る管で、下顎骨質内をその長軸に沿って前下方にオトガイ部にまで達し、オトガイ孔に開く。なお、下顎管はこの経過中に全ての歯槽に向かって細管(下顎の歯および歯肉へ分布する血管・神経を通す)を送る。 」
In human anatomy, the mandibular canal is a canal within the mandible that contains the inferior alveolar nerve, inferior alveolar artery, and inferior alveolar vein. It runs obliquely downward and forward in the ramus, and then horizontally forward in the body, where it is placed under the alveoli and communicates with them by small openings.
On arriving at the incisor teeth, it turns back to communicate with the mental foramen, giving off a small canal known as the mandibular incisive canal, which run to the cavities containing the incisor teeth.
It carries branches of the inferior alveolar nerve and artery.
It is continuous with the mental foramen (which opens onto front of mandible) and mandibular foramen (on medial aspect of ramus).
The mandibular canal is fairly close to the apices of the second molar in 50% of the radiographs. In 40%, canal is away from the root apices, and in only 10% of the radiographs the root apices appeared to penetrate the canal. In root canal therapy of the second molar one should be cautious of over extending the reamer or the root canal filling materials because there is a possible risk of inferior alveolar nerve injury.
【 語 句 】
・inferior alveolar nerve:下歯槽神経 ・inferior alveolar artery:下歯槽動脈 ・inferior alveolar vein:下歯槽静脈 ・ramus:枝 ・alveoli:歯槽 ・incisor teeth:門歯 ・mental foramen:オトガイ孔 ・mandibular incisive canal:下顎切歯管 ・mandibular foramen:下顎孔 ・apice:apex(頂点)の複数形 ・molar:臼歯 ・radiograph:レントゲン写真 ・penetrate:貫く ・therapy:療法 ・reamer:穴ぐり錐(治療器具の一種?)
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