「 The foramen lacerum (Latin: lacerated piercing) is a triangular hole in the base of skull, located between the sphenoid, the apex of the petrous temporal and the basilar part of the occipital.
■ Structure ■
The foramen lacerum ( Latin: lacerated piercing ) is a triangular hole in the base of skull located between the sphenoid, apex of petrous temporal and basilar part of occipital. It is the juncture of the petroclival, sphenopetrosal, and pterygosphenoidal sutures.
The foramen lacerum is a foramen situated anteromedial to the carotid canal.[1] :776
■ Development ■
The foramen lacerum fills with cartilage after birth.[1] :776
【 語 句 】
・sphenoid:蝶形骨 ・apex of the petrous temporal:側頭骨の錐体尖 ・basilar part of the occipital:後頭骨底部 ・juncture:接合、連結 ・sphenopetrosal :蝶形骨錐体の ・carotid canal:頚動脈管の ・cartilage:軟骨(組織)
The internal carotid artery passes from the carotid canal in the base of the skull, emerging and coursing superior to foramen lacerum as it exits the carotid canal. The internal carotid artery does not travel through foramen lacerum. The segment of the internal carotid artery that travels above foramen lacerum is called the lacerum segment.[2]」