母指対立筋 ( ぼしたいりつきん、 英語:opponens pollicis (mscle) )
・ 概 要 |
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・ 神経 / 脈管 |
・ 起始 / 停止 |
・ Wikipedia |
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【 起 始 】 : 大菱形骨(主に結節?)、 屈筋支帯の橈側端
【 停 止 】 : 第1中手骨の橈側縁
・ 神 経 : 正中神経
「 In 20% of the population, opponens pollicis is innervated by the ulnar nerve.」
・ 脈 管 : 浅掌動脈弓 (尺骨動脈の枝) ※ Wikipedia
The opponens pollicis is a small, triangular muscle in the hand, which functions to oppose the thumb. It is one of the three thenar muscles. It lies deep to the abductor pollicis brevis and lateral to the flexor pollicis brevis.
The opponens pollicis muscle is one of the three thenar muscles. It originates from the flexor retinaculum of the hand and the tubercle of the trapezium. It passes downward and laterally, and is inserted into the whole length of the metacarpal bone of the thumb on its radial side.
Like the other thenar muscles, the opponens pollicis is innervated by the recurrent branch of the median nerve. In 20% of the population, opponens pollicis is innervated by the ulnar nerve.
【Blood supply】
The opponens pollicis receives its blood supply from the superficial palmar arch.
Opposition of the thumb is a combination of actions that allows the tip of the thumb to touch the tips of other fingers. The part of apposition that this muscle is responsible for is the flexion of the thumb's metacarpal at the first carpometacarpal joint. This specific action cups the palm. Many texts, for simplicity, use the term opposition to represent this component of true apposition. In order to truly appose the thumb, the actions of a number of other muscles are needed at the thumb's metacarpophalangeal joint. Note that the two opponens muscles (opponens pollicis and opponens digiti minimi) are named so because they oppose each other, but their actions appose the bones.
【 語 句 】
・ oppose : 対抗する、対比させる ・ thenar muscles : 母指球筋 ・ abductor pollicis brevis : 短母指外転筋 ・ flexor pollicis brevis : 短母指屈筋 ・ flexor retinaculum : 屈筋支帯 ・ tubercle : 結節 ・ trapezium : 大菱形骨 ・ metacarpal bone : 中手骨 ・ median nerve : 正中神経 ・ ulnar nerve : 尺骨神経 ・ superficial palmar arch : 浅掌動脈弓 ・ carpometacarpal joint : 手根中手関節 ・ cup : カップのような形にする ・ apposition : 並置、同格(関係)? ・ metacarpophalangeal joint : 中手指節関節