尿道括約筋 ( にょうどうかつやくきん 、 英 : sphincter urethrae )
・ 概 要 |
・ 作 用 |
・ イラスト掲載サイト |
・ イラスト |
・ 神経 / 脈管 |
・ 起始 / 停止 |
・ Wikipedia |
・ 「 この尿道括約筋は解剖学での呼び方で生理学では外尿道括約筋という。」 ( ウィキペディア )
⇒ 女の外肛門括約筋の3層構造が分かるイラストを掲載しているサイト
「 尿道括約筋(にょうどうかつやくきん、external anal sphincter muscles)とは、会陰隔膜にある骨格筋で蓄尿と排尿に働いている。体性神経である陰部神経に支配される。女性の外尿道口はこの筋によって取り囲まれ保護される。
収縮(蓄尿)、弛緩(排尿)は陰部神経が行う。この尿道括約筋は解剖学での呼び方で生理学では外尿道括約筋という。 」
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【 起 始 】 :
【 停 止 】 :
排尿 (urination) をコントロールする。
・ 神 経 : 陰部神経の骨盤内臓に行く小枝
・ 脈 管 :
「The urethral sphincter is one of two muscles used to control the exit of urine in the urinary bladder through the urethra. The two muscles are the male or female external urethral sphincter and the internal urethral sphincter. When either of these muscles contracts, the urethra is sealed shut.
The external urethral sphincter originates at the ischiopubic ramus and inserts into the intermeshing muscle fibers from the other side. It is controlled by the deep perineal branch of the pudendal nerve. Activity in the nerve fibers constricts the urethra.
- The internal sphincter muscle of urethra: located at the bladder's inferior end and the urethra's proximal end at the junction of the urethra with the urinary bladder. The internal sphincter is a continuation of the detrusor muscle and is made of smooth muscle, therefore it is under involuntary or autonomic control. This is the primary muscle for prohibiting the release of urine.
- The female or male external sphincter muscle of urethra (sphincter urethrae): located at the bladder's distal inferior end in females and inferior to the prostate ( at the level of the membranous urethra ) in males is a secondary sphincter to control the flow of urine through the urethra. Unlike the internal sphincter muscle, the external sphincter is made of skeletal muscle, therefore it is under voluntary control of the somatic nervous system.
Dissection of prostate showing the fibers of the external sphincter surrounding the membranous urethra and partially cradling the inferior portion of the prostate.
Sex differences
Main articles: External sphincter muscle of male urethra and External sphincter muscle of female urethra
In males and females, both internal and external urethral sphincters function to inhibit the release of urine. In males, the internal sphincter muscle of urethra functions to prevent reflux of seminal fluids into the male bladder during ejaculation.
Females do have a more elaborate external sphincter muscle than males as it is made up of three parts: the sphincter urethrae, urethrovaginal muscle, and the compressor urethrae. The urethrovaginal muscle fibers wrap around the vagina and urethra and contraction leads to constriction of both the vagina and the urethra. The origin of the compressor urethrae muscle is the right and left inferior pubic ramus and it wraps anteriorly around the urethra so when it contracts it squeezes the urethra against the vagina. The external urethrae, like in males, wraps solely around the urethra.
The internal urethral sphincter provides involuntary control of urination. The external urethral sphincter provides voluntary control of urination.」
【 語 句 】
・ urine : 尿 ・ urinary bladder : 膀胱 ・ urethra : 尿道 ・ external urethral sphincter : 外尿道括約筋 ・ internal urethral sphincter : 内尿道括約筋 ・ contract : 収縮する ・ ischiopubic ramus : 坐骨恥骨枝 ・ perineal : 会陰の ・ pudendal nerve : 陰部神経 ・ proximal : 近位の ・ detrusor : 排尿筋 ・ smooth muscle : 平滑筋 ・ membranous urethra : 尿道膜様部 ・ involuntary : 無意識な、不随意の ・ autonomic : 自立の ・ prostate : 前立腺 ・ skeletal muscle : 骨格筋 ・ somatic nervous system : 体性神経系 ・ dissection : 解剖 ・ cradle : 抱くように持つ.? ・ inhibit : 抑制する ・ reflux : 逆流 ・ seminal : 精液の ・ ejaculation : 射精 ・ elaborate : 精巧な ・ urethrovaginal muscle : 尿道膣筋? ・ compressor urethrae : 尿道圧迫筋 ・ vagina : 膣 ・ constriction : 締め付け ・ inferior pubic ramus : 下恥骨枝
【 男 】
【 男 】