横突間筋 ( おうとつかんきん、英:intertransversarii muscles、


概 要
作 用
神経 / 脈管
起始 / 停止













 ■ 固有背筋 / 体幹腹外側筋 ■

 「 Rauber-Kopsch解剖学 」 には以下のような解説が見られる。

 「 横突間筋のうち固有背筋に属するものは頚部、腰部、胸部の上下端部にある:頚後横突間筋の内側部(後結節の間)、胸横突間筋、腰内側横突間筋(乳頭突起や副突起の間)。体幹腹外側筋に属するものは頚部と腰部にある:頚後横突間筋の外側部(後結節の間)、頚前横突間筋(前結節の間で脊髄神経前枝の前)、腰外側横突間筋(肋骨突起の間にあってかなり発達する)。」




【 起 始 / 停 止 】  2個の隣接する横突起同士



 脊柱を側方に曲げる。( 補助的な作用 )

 ・ 神 経 : および腕神経叢の枝、第1~第5腰神経後枝の外側枝

 ・ 脈 管 : 肋頚動脈深頚枝、後肋間動脈腰動脈の筋枝「Rauber-Kopsch解剖学




 The intertransversarii are small muscles placed between the transverse processes of the vertebrae.

【 Structure】
■ Cervical ■
 In the cervical region they are best developed, consisting of rounded muscular and tendinous fasciculi, and are placed in pairs, passing between the anterior and the posterior tubercles respectively of the transverse processes of two contiguous vertebrae, and separated from one another by an anterior primary division of the cervical nerve, which lies in the groove between them.

  • The muscles connecting the anterior tubercles are termed the anterior intertransversarii.
  • Those between the posterior tubercles are termed the posterior intertransversarii.

 Both sets are supplied by the anterior divisions of the spinal nerves.
 There are seven pairs of these muscles, the first pair being between the atlas and axis, and the last pair between the seventh cervical and first thoracic vertebræ.

【 語 句 】

transverse process : 横突起  ・ vertebrae : 椎骨  ・ fasciculi, : 束  ・ anterior and the posterior tubercles : 前および後結節  ・ contiguous : 隣接する  ・ cervical nerve : 頚神経  ・ anterior intertransversarii .: 頚前横突間筋  ・ posterior intertransversarii : 頚後横突間筋  ・ spinal nerves : 脊髄神経  ・ atlas : 環椎  ・ axis : 軸椎  ・ thoracic vertebræ : 胸椎  


■ Thoracic ■
 In the thoracic region they are present between the transverse processes of the lower three thoracic vertebrae, and between the transverse processes of the last thoracic and the first lumbar. These are called the thoracic intertransversarii and are supplied by the posterior division of the spinal nerve.

■ Lumbar ■
 In the lumbar region they are arranged in pairs, on either side of the vertebral column,

  • one set occupying the entire interspace between the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae, are the lateral lumbar intertransversarii.
  • the other set, the medial lumbar intertransversarii, passing from the accessory process of one vertebra to the mammillary of the vertebra below.

 The intertransversarii laterales are supplied by the anterior divisions, and the intertransversarii mediales by the posterior divisions of the spinal nerves.
 They contribute little to movement on their own, but they stabilize adjoining vertebrae allowing more effective action from other muscle groups.


【 語 句 】

・ lateral lumbar intertransversarii : 腰外側横突間筋  ・ medial lumbar intertransversarii : 腰内側横突間筋  ・ accessory process : 副突起  ・ mammillary : 乳頭突起  ・ adjoining : 付近の  


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