足底方形筋 ( そくていほうけいきん、英:qadratus plantae muscle )
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medial : muscular, and is attached to the medial concave surface of the calcaneus, below the groove which lodges the tendon of the flexor hallucis longus
lateral : flat and tendinous, arises from the lateral border of the inferior surface of the calcaneus, in front of the lateral process of its tuberosity, and from the long plantar ligament
「足底方形筋は踵骨底側面に起こり、長趾屈筋の腱に停止する。同筋は副趾屈筋とも呼ばれるが、それは長趾屈筋の停止腱が趾を引く方向を矯正するからである(趾の底屈時)。外側部の趾へ行く腱は、線維性の腱鞘によって長軸方向に固定される前に、中足骨上を斜走する。この腱の斜走は足底方形筋の索引によって中足骨長軸に沿った方向となる。外側足底神経の支配を受ける。この筋の収縮により長趾屈筋腱は後方へ引っ張られるために、第2~5趾の屈曲が得られる。 踵骨からおこって長母趾屈筋腱に停止し、その補助に働く。神経支配:外側足底神経。(イラスト解剖学)」
【 起 始 】:「踵骨の内側面および下面」( 日本人体解剖学 )
【 停 止 】: 長趾屈筋の腱の外側縁
「長趾屈筋の作用を助けて、第2から第5趾中節骨を屈曲する。 」 ( 日本人体解剖学 )
・ 神 経 : 内側足底神経(S1,S2)
The quadratus plantae (flexor accessorius) is separated from the muscles of the first layer by the lateral plantar vessels and nerve. It acts to aid in flexing the 2nd to 5th toes (offsetting the oblique pull of the flexor digitorum longus) and is one of the few muscles in the foot with no homolog in the hand.
【Origin and insertion】
It arises by two heads, which are separated from each other by the long plantar ligament: the medial or larger head is muscular, and is attached to the medial concave surface of the calcaneus, below the groove which lodges the tendon of the flexor hallucis longus; the lateral head, flat and tendinous, arises from the lateral border of the inferior surface of the calcaneus, in front of the lateral process of its tuberosity, and from the long plantar ligament.
The two portions join at an acute angle, and end in a flattened band which is inserted into the lateral margin and upper and under surfaces of the tendon of the flexor digitorum longus, forming a kind of groove, in which the tendon is lodged. It usually sends slips to those tendons of the Flexor digitorum longus which pass to the second, third, and fourth toes.
Lateral head often wanting; entire muscle absent. Variation in the number of digital tendons to which fibers can be traced. Most frequent offsets are sent to the second, third and fourth toes; in many cases to the fifth as well; occasionally to two toes only.
【 語 句 】
・flexor digitorum longus:長趾屈筋 ・homolog:同族体 ・long plantar ligament:長足底靭帯 ・concave:くぼんだ ・calcaneus:踵骨 ・groove:溝 ・flexor hallucis longus:長母趾屈筋 ・tuberosity:結節 ・acute:鋭い