小指対立筋 ( しょうしたいりつきん 英語:opponens digiti minimi (muscle) )
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「小指外転筋および短小指屈筋に覆われ、母指対立筋と協力して主としてものをつかむ時に働く。短小指屈筋の起始と同じ。 」
【 停 止 】 : 第5中手骨の尺側縁
「小指を母指および手掌に近づける。 」 ( 日本人体解剖学 )
・ 神 経 : 尺骨神経掌枝の深枝(<C7>,C8,Th1)
・ 脈 管 : 尺骨動脈の深掌枝?
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The opponens digiti minimi (opponens digiti quinti in older texts) is a muscle in the hand. It is of a triangular form, and placed immediately beneath the palmaris brevis, abductor digiti minimi and flexor digiti minimi brevis. It is one of the three hypothenar muscles that control the little finger.
It arises from the convexity of the hamulus of the hamate bone and the contiguous portion of the transverse carpal ligament; it is inserted into the whole length of the metacarpal bone of the little finger, along its ulnar margin.
The opponens digiti minimi muscle serves to flex and laterally rotate the 5th metacarpal about the 5th carpometacarpal joint, as when bringing the little finger and thumb into opposition. It is innervated by the deep branch of the ulnar nerve.
【 語 句 】
・ palmaris brevis : 短掌筋 ・ abductor digiti minimi : 小指外転筋 ・ flexor digiti minimi brevis : 短小指屈筋 ・ hypothenar muscles : 小指球筋 ・ convexity : 凸面 ・ hamulus of the hamate bone : 有頭骨鈎 ・ transverse carpal ligament : 横手根靭帯 ・ metacarpal bone : 中手骨 ・ carpometacarpal joint : 手根中手関節 ・ ulnar nerve : 尺骨動脈