胸壁とは ※「 Wikipedia 」を参考に作成

■ 主な構成要素 ■
骨 部 : 胸郭 ( 胸骨、 肋骨、 胸椎 )
筋 部 : 外肋間筋、 内肋間筋、 肋下筋、 胸横筋、 横隔膜
・以下は「 Wikipedia 」の解説文となる。
「 The thoracic wall or chest wall is the boundary of the thoracic cavity.
【 structure 】
The bony skeletal part of the thoracic wall is the rib cage, and the rest is made up of muscle, skin, and fasciae.
The chest wall has 10 layers, namely skin, superficial fascia, deep fascia, serratus anterior, layer for ribs (containing intercostal muscles), and endothoracic fascia from superficial to deep. However, the muscular layers vary according to the region of the chest wall. For example, they may include muscles like pectoralis major or latissimus dorsi. 」
【 語 句 】
・ boundary : 境界線 ・ rib cage : 胸郭 ・ vary : 一様ではない